Type-Safe Functional and Reactive Framework for Modern Browsers
This is the core of Motorcycle.js creating your applicaton loop tied together with most.js. It separates your application logic into a pure function, and your side-effectful code into drivers.
DEPRECATED! Please use the newer Motorcycle.js
npm install --save @motorcycle/run
Warning: This library makes use of an ES6 Proxy which can not be polyfilled. This library only supports modern browsers with the feature.
run<Sources, Sinks>(
main: Component<Sources, Sinks>,
effects: Component<Sinks, Sources>): RunReturn<Sources, Sinks>;
This function creates circular dependencies between your main
and effects
functions. The input to main
is the output of effects
and the input to effects
is the output of main
. The return values of main
and effects
both must be
import { run } from '@motorcycle/run'
import { makeDomDriver, div, button, h2 } from '@motorcycle/dom';
function main(sources) {
const click$ = sources.dom.select('button').events('click');
const count$ = click$.scan(x => x + 1, 0);
const view$ = count$.map(count =>
h2(`Clicked ${count} times`),
button('Click me')
return { view$ }
const domDriver = makeDomDriver(document.querySelector('#app'));
function effects(sinks) {
const dom = domDriver(sinks.view$)
return { dom }
run(main, effects)
export interface Component<Sources, Sinks> {
(sources: Sources): Sinks;
export interface RunReturn<Sources, Sinks> {
sources: Sources;
sinks: Sinks;
dispose: Function;