The conference agenda is available at this link
The following steps were taken to gain a quick understanding on topics presented in the conference:
- can extract the pure text from the above pdf file (it is a bit tricky as the pdf file has two columns);
- can separate the single text file created in the first step into single papers. Altogether there are 556 presentations;
- can create the topic distributions (for a given number) from all the papers;
- can create the topic distributions (for a given number) from all the papers about a particular topic of interest, e.g., live streaming.
A few observations could be made about the topics presented in the conference (using all the papers, and setting the number of topics as 10):
- the mainstream marketing topics still prevail, e.g. product, price, advertising, etc. (topic 1)
- social and content marketing keep emerging, the rise of influencer marketing and video marketing is noticeable (topic 2).
- diminishing interest in offline grocery shopping (topic 6)
- some interests in trendy topics, e.g., Covid (topic 7) and DEI (seemingly, topic 5).
Topic 1 (based on all the papers and num-topics = 10)
Topic 2 (based on all the papers and num-topics = 10)
Topic 6 (based on all the papers and num-topics = 10)
Topic 7 (based on all the papers and num-topics = 10)