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Releases: metricsgraphics/metrics-graphics

v3 Beta 1

19 May 16:13
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v3 Beta 1 Pre-release

This is the first beta release of the new v3.

Docs are on, but no real API docs exist as of now. Stay tuned.


10 Dec 08:41
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MG v2.11 closes 10 issues. Highlights include:

  • Support for server-side rendering of charts
  • Fixes an issue with marker labels on the edges of a dataset not appearing
  • Fixes an issue with titles not appearing for missing charts
  • Fixes an issue with incorrectly generated axis labels for some data ranges

Please refer to the v2.11 milestone for further details.

Thanks to @benwiley4000, @Ezekiel-DA, and @phil-davis for contributions to this release.


17 Aug 16:57
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This patch release fixes issues #691, #693 and #694.

Please refer to the v2.10.1 milestone for further details.


02 Aug 16:51
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MG v2.10 closes 23 issues. Highlights include:

  • Support for D3 4
  • Better support for categorical data in bars and scatterplots (see the examples)

API changes and additions:

  • yax_units_append is a new option that allows one to append units to axis labels rather than prepend them.
  • interpolate now takes a function rather than a string.
  • interpolate_tension has been deprecated. Pass the tension value to your interpolation function instead.

If you use the mg-brushing add-on, please see this PR. Thanks to @Ezekiel-DA for contributions to this release. And thank you all for helping MG cross 6,000 GitHub stars and 500,000 hits.

Please refer to the v2.10 milestone for further details.


05 Apr 19:12
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2.9 includes a number of bug fixes. We've begun the redesign of bar charts, though that is not complete yet.

  • x-axis now supports log scales (#624)
  • reworking how bar charts were designed. We now have custom coloring, better rollovers, and (most importantly) easy grouping mechanism. You can also either set only the bar thickness, or set the graphic dimensions and have them scale accordingly. At this point, however, bar charts are still baking in the oven, so we'll continue to keep them experimental in the meantime. More work to be done in 2.10. (#616, #602, #596, #576)
  • ironed out how rollovers work across all chart types, and unified the codebase under one set of primitives (#614)
  • fixed the issue of a single-line rollover not working when aggregate_rollover=true (#610)
  • fixed how min_y_from_data scales (#597)

Thanks to everyone for filing issues.


10 Jan 02:47
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The changes in this release are primarily internal.

  • Improved encapsulation in several modules will hopefully improve readability and afford reuse between chart types. (#555, #556, #545, #542, #541, #533)
  • The method for implementing rollover text has been expanded and generalized. It now includes several labelling options. Take a look at the examples for details.
  • The auto-formatting of x-axis labels now has sensible defaults for time series stretching many years, decades and centuries. (#521)
  • small_text has been deprecated.

Thanks to @merlin86, @brab and @brylie for contributions to this release, and to all who reported issues and participated in discussions.


27 Oct 17:39
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This is a fairly large release with a number of new features and bug fixes. Here are the highlights:

#456 - the X and Y axes now meet at the southwest corner of the graphic, and extend to the plot limits. This came after considerable discussion and a number of issues filed where users thought our old approach created display bugs.
#503 - you can now color time series individually with hex / rgb(a) / web colors, directly in MG.data_graphic.
#504 - the title element is now part of the SVG.
#490 - expanded the rollover formatting options substantially. Now you can change the X or Y rollover information and format independently.
#436 - expanded support for European time options on the axis labels.
#470 - began work toward WebAIM compliance. We've increased the opacity of the fonts, and provided an additional accessibility stylesheet. There is surely more work to be done here, and we're very pleased to have the issue brought to our attention.

As well as a plethora of bug fixes. Please refer to the 2.7 milestone for a complete list of changes, and the examples page for updated examples.

Thanks to all for the issues filed, and especially to @viktoraseev, @zaizhuang, @Tchanders, and @mndrake for the PRs.


08 Jul 19:15
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This release adds support for linking charts that have aggregate_rollover set, the ability to hide data points using a new missing_is_hidden_accessor option and better handling of missing data ranges for time scales that are smaller than days.

screen shot 2015-07-08 at 11 09 46 am

Please refer to the 2.6 milestone for a complete list of changes and bug fixes and the examples page for updated examples.

Thanks to @Uberi, @nikolai-b and @birdage for contributions to this release!


22 May 19:45
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This release adds the ability to easily extend the library, thanks to two improvements: looser coupling between charts and the library's core code, and the introduction of hooks. These changes are due to the wonderful work of @dandehavilland.

For an overview of the changes, have a read through this page. You can see a sample addon in action on the examples page.

Please refer to the 2.5 milestone for a complete list of changes and bug fixes.

Thanks to @dstaley, @dubek and @dandehavilland for contributions to this release.


13 Apr 19:46
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This release fixes a number of bugs and includes the following changes:

  • better support for lines with single data points & more intuitive multiline graphic representations (#347, #405, #406)
  • option to label multiline graphics instead of relying on legends (#277)
  • more intuitive and useful percentage formatting options (#395)
  • bug fix for full_width on the missing data graphic type (#399)
  • bug fix for multiple calls to MG.data_graphic (#401)

For a complete list of changes, please refer to the 2.4 milestone.