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Milestone Roadmap Q1 Q2 2014

threeqube edited this page Feb 10, 2014 · 7 revisions

###Ducks in a Row: December 18

  • Goal: complete prep work required prior to implementation
    • product definition finalized
    • architecture done
    • all ux for MVP wireframed
    • plan for UI
    • plan for implementation

###Preparing for Flight: January 22

  • Goal: Pull together an instance suitable for user testing
    • working app
      • mockups / stubbed functionality for anything that isn't ready
    • user testing sessions identified
    • user tests planned
    • "milestone" badges designed
    • visual language study initiated
    • federated city backpack requirements explored
    • branding work initiated

###Take Off: February 5

  • Goal: soft launch BadgeKit
    • user interface applied to the site
      • design UI
      • branding
    • continuous iterations based on user testing feedback incorporated
    • Complete flow of badge lifecycle
      • tying everything together with new API
    • Studio
      • milestone badges
      • basic visual design functionality
    • Application review (formerly called assessment)
      • ux application review
      • implement basic aestimia integration
    • ready for 2nd round of user testing
    • documentation docs drafted
    • Backpack planning (Specs, UX)

###Flying: February 19

  • Goal: Put in the hands of real users (outside of the research cohort)
    • Branding finalized and applied
    • Functionality and usability tweaks identified in testing, reconciled
    • Documentation available on site
    • Glossary and tool tips implemented
    • Third round of user testing
    • Backpack implemented (ui, dev)
    • Plan demo of integration of BadgeKit

###Soaring: March 6

  • Goal: A (beta) release
    • Documentation user tested and tweaked to include human - friendly language
    • Glossary user tested and tweaked - all jargon is identified and explained
    • A user can design and issue a badge on their site
    • A developer can download the APIs codes
    • Language on marketing site is tweaked to reflect a release
    • Marketing site ( implemented
    • Demo of integration of BadgeKit launched

###Jetpack: March 27

  • Goal: Federated city backpack release
    • Deployed on CCOL
    • federated
    • seamless/fully integrated ux from BadgeKit to backpack

###Orbit: May 14

  • Goal: Federated Mozilla backpack release
    • seamless/fully integrated ux from BadgeKit to Mozilla Backpack
    • federated
    • UX refined
    • UI to match the Open Badges look and feel applied

###Blue Sky: June 27

  • Goal: Ideate on the next 6 months of BadgeKit
    • Iterate based on user feedback of both BadgeKit and fast follow federated backpack release
    • Evaluate any prototypes that could be upleveled.
    • Brainstorm ideas for new features.