If you want to use this create an index.txt file with a sequence of paths to your files each on a new line in the order you wish them to be included in your final presentation.
Then use with this file in the directory.
multi_rise --index=index.txt --output=output.ipynb
where index is the index file and output is the name of the output file.
The index file is a file that contains file paths that will be combined into the final notebook.
- The order in which the files appear in the index file is the order in which they'll be combined into the final notebook.
- Files can appear more than once.
- The file paths should be relative to the working directory in which the command is invoked.
- The file paths should only appear one per line
- It currently does no safe catching (e.g., of spaces) for you.
This only works on python 3.4+.