A collection of programs to analyse clusters within urban areas as produced by
usage patterns of hire bicycle systems. Requires the output of
, in
particular the correlation (R2) and distance matrices. Currently able to
analyse data from London, NYC, Boston, Chicago, and Washington DC, using cluster
methods of ward
, complete
, k-means
, and skater
Analyses are ultimately based on comparisons of the total distances ridden within clusters to equivalent distances ridden between them.
Use makefile to build. Note that the C++ routines can take a long time to
execute, and so are built as stand-alones, rather than being integrated into R.
The two routines are ClustersNeutral
, which generates neutrally expected
values of inter- and intra-cluster distance, and Clusters Actual
, which does
the corresponding calculations for the observed rides.
All calculations are repeated for a range of numbers of clusters (up to 100, except skater only up to 50).
>./ClustersNeutral city
R> get.clusters (city method)
R> get.skater.groups (city, method)
>./ClustersActual city
R> calc.pnc (city, method
R> clust.sig (city, method)
city direction (0/1)
See aaaread-this
for further details.
- cd ./build
- cmake ..
- make
Build fails because of CGAL/Exact_predicates!