Extremely simple service to calculate distance between coordinates on a sphere or ellipsoid.
If you want to run development build, you should first create .env
file, you can just use
cp .env.example .env
to use sensible defaults. Then you can simply run
cargo run
In order to run release build, the app will expect to have API_USERNAME
environment variables set. You can either export them
export API_USERNAME=sample_username
export API_PASSWORD=sample_password
and then run
cargo run --release
or set them while executing cargo run
API_USERNAME=sample_username API_PASSWORD=sample_password cargo run --release
In order to run the app in Docker using docker-compose, it should as simple as running
docker-compose up --build
- Swagger UI/docs/spec
- Swagger spec/health
- simple healthcheck/api/distance/cordinates
- calculate distance between list of coordinates/api/distance/airports
- calculate distance between list of airports/api/airports/iatas
- returns a list of unique iatas the service knows of
To see full request/response models, refer to Swagger docs.
For now, the service uses the global airports database taken from https://www.partow.net/miscellaneous/airportdatabase/ version 0.0.2 - 20170321
available in accordance with the MIT License.