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Add message about lack of X.509 certificate support in documentation #27

anjorinjnr opened this issue Jul 1, 2016 · 13 comments


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I get this error when using algorithms='RS256' on google app engine.

Full stack trace

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/", line 226, in handle_interactive_request
    exec(compiled_code, self._command_globals)
  File "<string>", line 12, in <module>
  File "lib/jose/", line 121, in decode
    payload = jws.verify(token, key, algorithms, verify=verify_signature)
  File "lib/jose/", line 75, in verify
    _verify_signature(signing_input, header, signature, key, algorithms)
  File "lib/jose/", line 218, in _verify_signature
    key = jwk.construct(key, alg)
  File "lib/jose/", line 65, in construct
    return RSAKey(key_data, algorithm)
  File "lib/jose/", line 201, in __init__
    raise JWKError(e)
JWKError: RSA key format is not supported
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mpdavis commented Jul 1, 2016

Can you provide an example JWT and key that you are getting the error for?

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mpdavis commented Jul 1, 2016

It appears that you are trying to verify the token with an X.509 certificate, as opposed to a public key. Unfortunately, PyCrypto doesn't support X.509 using certificates.

The certificate contains the public key and it can be converted with openssl.

> openssl x509 -pubkey -noout < cert.pem
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Using that public key allows me to verify the given token (ignoring that it is expired)

>>> from jose import jwt
>>> key = """-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"""
>>> token = "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImY0YjBhNWM3M2FkODVhNWRhMDlmMGU3Zjc2NDYzNjMxMzM5ZTBiYmYifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL3NlY3VyZXRva2VuLmdvb2dsZS5jb20vd2Vkb3RyYW5zZmVyLTIwMTYiLCJhdWQiOiJ3ZWRvdHJhbnNmZXItMjAxNiIsImF1dGhfdGltZSI6MTQ2NzM0NjI3MCwidXNlcl9pZCI6IjRjemVXVllIekNNVnN0WEZOYldHVXBKYmJTZzEiLCJzdWIiOiI0Y3plV1ZZSHpDTVZzdFhGTmJXR1VwSmJiU2cxIiwiaWF0IjoxNDY3MzQ2MjcwLCJleHAiOjE0NjczNDk4NzAsImVtYWlsIjoic2V1bkBjbXUuY29tIiwiZW1haWxfdmVyaWZpZWQiOmZhbHNlLCJmaXJlYmFzZSI6eyJpZGVudGl0aWVzIjp7InBhc3N3b3JkIjpbInNldW5AY211LmNvbSJdLCJlbWFpbCI6WyJzZXVuQGNtdS5jb20iXX19fQ.U-fYjx8rMm5tYV24r0uEcNQtIe3UKULxsHecLdGzTbi1v-VKzKDk_QPL26SPDoU8JUMY3nJQ1hOE9AapBrQck8NVUZSKFMD49XdtsyoN2kKdinpFR1hSxIE0L2dRStS7OZ8sGiX866lNa52Cr6TXSsnMD6N2P0OtVE5EeD1Nf-AiJ-gsaLrP4tBnmj1MNYhEYVHb6sAUrT3nEI9gWmeKcPWPfn76FGTdGWZ2mjdaeAG4RbuFL4cHdOISA_0HVLGJxuNyEHAHybDX8mVdNW_F4yzL3H-SmPFY5Kv3tCdBzpzhUKfNOnFFmf2ggFOJnDsqMp-TZaIPk6ce_ltqhQ0dnQ"

>>> print jwt.decode(token, key, algorithms='RS256', audience='wedotransfer-2016', options={'verify_exp': False})

{u'user_id': u'4czeWVYHzCMVstXFNbWGUpJbbSg1', u'sub': u'4czeWVYHzCMVstXFNbWGUpJbbSg1', u'iss': u'', u'email_verified': False, u'firebase': {u'identities': {u'password': [u''], u'email': [u'']}}, u'exp': 1467349870, u'auth_time': 1467346270, u'iat': 1467346270, u'email': u'', u'aud': u'wedotransfer-2016'}

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TNGPS commented Jul 19, 2016

It may be good to point this out in the docs somewhere, since I had the same problem

We try to decode an Firebase provided JWT. The publc keys are published here in the form ob je json object of X509 certificates ...

this stack overfow post seems to be helpfull:

@mpdavis mpdavis added bug and removed bug labels Jul 19, 2016
@mpdavis mpdavis reopened this Jul 19, 2016
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mpdavis commented Jul 19, 2016

I think it makes sense to at least include this in the docs.

@mpdavis mpdavis added the docs label Jul 19, 2016
@mpdavis mpdavis changed the title JWKError: RSA key format is not supported Add message about lack of X.509 certificate support in documentation Jul 19, 2016
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danielfaust commented Aug 24, 2016

Thanks @mpdavis for the library and @TNGPS for the hint to the stackoverflow question.

While migrating from "Gitkit" to "Firebase+(python-jose)":

  # firebase
  # target_audience = "firebase-project-id"
  # certificate_url = ''

  # gitkit
  target_audience = "" # (from developer console, OAuth 2.0 client IDs)
  certificate_url = ''

  response = urllib.urlopen(certificate_url)
  certs =
  certs = json.loads(certs)
  print "CERTS", certs
  print ''
  print ''

  # -------------- verify via oauth2client
  from oauth2client import crypt
  crypt.MAX_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECS = 30 * 86400 # according to
  print "VALID TOKEN", crypt.verify_signed_jwt_with_certs(idtoken, certs, target_audience)  
  print ''
  print ''

  # -------------- verify via python-jose
  from jose import jwt
  unverified_header = jwt.get_unverified_header(idtoken)
  print "UNVERIFIED HEADER", unverified_header
  print ''
  print ''
  unverified_claims = jwt.get_unverified_claims(idtoken)
  print "UNVERIFIED CLAIMS", unverified_claims
  print ''
  print ''
  from ssl import PEM_cert_to_DER_cert
  from Crypto.Util.asn1 import DerSequence
  pem = certs[unverified_header['kid']]
  der = PEM_cert_to_DER_cert(pem)
  cert = DerSequence()
  tbsCertificate = DerSequence()
  rsa_public_key = tbsCertificate[6]
  print "VALID TOKEN", jwt.decode(idtoken, rsa_public_key, algorithms=unverified_header['alg'], audience=target_audience)

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mpdavis commented Aug 24, 2016

@danielfaust It looks like you have given my enough info to be able to convert Firebase's certificates to a public key that PyCrypto will accept.

It won't work for arbitrary ASN.1 formatted certificates, but even just supporting Firebase certificates appears to be beneficial to consumers of this library.

I'll see what I can do to add support.

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mpdavis commented Sep 1, 2016

@anjorinjnr @TNGPS @danielfaust

I added support for Firebase certs in

Let me know if you run into any issues with it.

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danielfaust commented Sep 1, 2016

Thanks, this is very nice. I was checking the code and noticed the effort you put into the different ways the downloaded certs can be fed into the function. A nice surprise, as I expected it just to be able to get fed the certificate string into decode and not also the object or the raw string as passed from the server.

While testing them through, I did get an error.

    gitkit_decoded = jwt.decode(gitkit_jwt, certs, algorithms='RS256', audience=target_audience)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jose/", line 132, in decode
    payload = jws.verify(token, key, algorithms, verify=verify_signature)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jose/", line 75, in verify
    _verify_signature(signing_input, header, signature, key, algorithms)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jose/", line 259, in _verify_signature
    if not _sig_matches_keys(keys, signing_input, signature, alg):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jose/", line 211, in _sig_matches_keys
    if key.verify(signing_input, signature):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jose/", line 244, in verify
    raise JWKError(e)
JWKError: Plaintext too large

This is because, sig) library is failing for some reason when the certs from Gitkit located at are used, be it by passing them as a dict of certs (json.loads(certs)) or directly as the raw certs string.

I can pass the specific cert json.loads(certs)[unverified_header['kid']] to the decode function, then it works just fine, so this appears not to be related to the token.

Gitkit has not yet been deprecated, and no deprecation announcement has been done. Google explicitly says that they would announce it if they would deprecate it, but that there are currently no plans to do so. Currently it's just as valuable for authentication as Firebase.

I had no problems using Firebase.

Update: This occurs randomly... let's hope that Firebase isn't affected as well.

Update2: This is a very strange error. I have been trying this for 5 minutes now, and it only happened once or twice in the beginning. This is not caused by a malformed cert server response as this raises a JWKError: RSA key format is not supported. I also noticed that you are not using the 'kid' from the header to select the certificate but just iterating over the dict (which may be okay to do).

It appears to be working. I would open a new issue if this comes back and I've got some clue on why this occurred.

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mpdavis commented Sep 2, 2016

I'll take a look. Thanks for the triage.

On Thu, Sep 1, 2016 at 6:46 PM Daniel Faust

Thanks, this is very nice. I was checking the code and noticed the effort
you put into the different ways the downloaded certs can be fed into the
function. A nice surprise, as I expected it just to be able to get fed the
certificate string into decode and not also the object or the raw string
as passed from the server.

While testing them through, I did get an error.

gitkit_decoded = jwt.decode(gitkit_jwt, certs, algorithms='RS256', audience=target_audience)

File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jose/", line 132, in decode
payload = jws.verify(token, key, algorithms, verify=verify_signature)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jose/", line 75, in verify
_verify_signature(signing_input, header, signature, key, algorithms)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jose/", line 259, in _verify_signature
if not _sig_matches_keys(keys, signing_input, signature, alg):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jose/", line 211, in _sig_matches_keys
if key.verify(signing_input, signature):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/jose/", line 244, in verify
raise JWKError(e)
JWKError: Plaintext too large

This is because,
sig) library is failing for some reason when the certs from Gitkit
located at are
used, be it by passing them as a dict of certs (json.loads(certs)) or
directly as the raw certs string.

I can pass the specific cert json.loads(certs)[unverified_header['kid']]
to the decode function, then it works just fine, so this appears not to
be related to the token.

Gitkit has not yet been deprecated, and no deprecation announcement has
been done. Google explicitly says that they would announce it if they would
deprecate it, but that there are currently no plans to do so. Currently
it's just as valuable for authentication as Firebase.

I had no problems using Firebase.

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Michael Davis

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mpdavis commented Sep 2, 2016


The Plaintext too large error occurs when the plaintext message is larger that the particular cert can verify.

message (string) - The message to encrypt, also known as plaintext. It can be of variable length, but not longer than the RSA modulus (in bytes) minus 2, minus twice the hash output size.

Some of the certs in the list have a smaller modulus and would throw that error if tried. As you saw, I am iterating over the list of certs instead of picking one out with the kid. This is an attempt to support cert endpoints that use some other format.

As for why it was intermittently failing, python dictionaries don't have a set order. If the correct cert is used first, everything will work. If a cert with a smaller modulus is used, it will blow up.

I released a fix in

Again, thank you for the triage and help working through this. Let me know if that works for you.

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Thanks again for the effort, and for publishing it so fast on pypi. Good to know what caused the randomly occurring exception.

I checked the code and the solution looks totally ok to me, based on the reason for failure you mention.

I also checked how the oauth2client library is handling the kid parameter, since oauth2client is used by Google's identity-toolkit-python-client library. They also ignore the kid parameter and iterate over the certs.

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