An implementation of a max-plus tropical algebra based algorithm for finding the best exchange rate arbitrage opportunities among n "currencies", that requires O(n⁴) time on the real RAM, where additions and comparisons of reals are unit cost.
The well-known trick of exponentiation by squaring can be used to improve the complexity to O(n³log n).
The running time can be further improved to n⁴/2ˡᵒᵍ ͩ ⁿ for some positive d.
Ensure the latest version of Ammonite is installed, then run
$ amm
in your console to see the usage message, or run the arbitrageur
script passing it the URL of an exchange rate provider that returns rates as a JSON object with "currency code" pairs joined through the _
character as the names and the rates as the values, e.g.:
"GOLDPRESSEDLATINUM_QUATLOOS": 1.570359992057584240145136,
"NUYEN_EURODOLLAR": 2.718281828459045235360287471352662497757247093,
Type, for example,
$ amm
to hit the ground running.