A fun project to guess the number after getting a few hints from the computer. Every time a user gives a wrong answer, another hint pops up to make it easier for them.
- steps:
- The user enters the lower and upper bounds of the range.
- As a result, the compiler generates a random integer between the range and stores it in a variable for future use.
- A while loop will be created for repetitive guessing.
- When a user guesses a number that is greater than a randomly selected number, the user receives the message “Try Again!”. Your guess was too high.
- If the user guesses a number smaller than a randomly selected number, the user gets an output of “Try Again!”.Your guess was too small”
- In addition, if the user guesses within a minimum number of attempts, they get a “Congratulations!” message.
- If the user fails to guess the integer in the minimum number of guesses, he/she will receive a “Better Luck Next Time!
| main.py