A Chip-8 emulator in Nim
Status: most of the instructions are properly emulated. This WIP
branch contains hardcoded key presses for two key input instructions:
(skip next instruction if a key x
is pressed) and ExA1
next instruction if key x
is not pressed). The instruction F00A
yet to be implemented.
The keybindings are defined in the
file. The location of the config file is currently hardcoded and
depends on the binary being called from src
Some example keys for the current keybindings are as follows:
Arrow up: paddle up
Arrow down: paddle down
Space Invaders:
Arrow down: ship left
Arrow right: ship right
W: move block left
A: drop block faster
Arrow down: rotate block
Arrow right: move block right
As one can see, the keys are somewhat all over the place and in principle need to be set for each game individually.
Some GIFs:
The emulation seems to be somewhat broken as of now. Collision detection does not really work in some cases, e.g. the ball simply resets before it hits the opposite paddle in pong and the blocks in tetris fall through the floor. There is also quite some flickering happening.