This application demonstrates a simple full stack application with a front end implemented with HTML/CSS and the backend implemented with Node.js and Express. HTML templating is done with the help of Handlebars. This app uses Cheerio to scrape the New York Times US section and pull the most recent 20 articles. Here is the live version
Whenever the users choose, they can scrape the newest articles that have been added.
Users can click on the images or the title to take them to the corresponding NYT article, or click the 'Save Article' button to save the article. Once an article is saved, the user has the option to add their own notes to the articles, or to remove them.
Users can type in a note title and body, and save notes specific to that article. Users can also delete notes that are no longer needed by clicking on the 'X'. If the article is no longer of use, users may delete it.
MVC design - Model View Controller refers to a method of structuring a web development project into disticnt but interconnected parts increasing efficiency and resusability of code.
- Express
- Express -handlebars
- Body-Parser
- Cheerio
- Mongoose
- Request