A reference project on how I set up a Grunt toolchain with the following tools:
- Babel
- Prettier
- JSHint
- ESLint
- Lebab
npm audit fix
npx mocha --reporter=markdown
npx nyc --reporter=html --reporter=text mocha
npx nyc --reporter=html --reporter=text mocha --reporter=markdown
Use only LTS versions and define that in the .nvmrc
Updating local and global packages you downloaded from the registry helps keep your code and tools stable, usable, and secure.
We recommend regularly updating the local packages your project depends on to improve your code as improvements to its dependencies are made.
Navigate to the root directory of your project and ensure it contains a package.json file:
cd /path/to/project
In your project root directory, run the update command:
npm update
To test the update, run the outdated command. There should not be any output.
npm outdated