I am a Gilfoyle fan.
Gilfoyle is a character in the TV Series Silicon Valley whom I admire the most. He is one of my favourites because of his marvelous technical skills in many fields like hacking, networking, system architecture and moreover he is well versed in competitive coding and problem solving which is the base on which the whole foundation of Computer Science Enginnering is set upon. Besides the technical sides he is also fluent in never ending sarcasmic humour. How he always manages to fuck Dinesh in the face every time. Typically all the things that makes him interesting.
Now why I wanted to do this, is because there is a large audience. I don't think everyone is tat the same skillset. So, I think its important to try to kinda curate some of this content to help people that are further along, people that are just starting or somewhere in the middle. Inspired by him, I set myself on a journey to be the best gilfoyle anyone can ever be along with collecting and showcasing my knowledge whatever I learn through the way.
Thus this repository.
Hope you like it!