Hi , I'm Adarsh!💙
Glad to see you here!!!
- 🎓 I’m an Coding enthusiast & a junior pursuing my Bachelors in Computer Science & Engineering.
- 👀 I’m highly interested in programming, developing projects and collaborating with such more developers.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Data Structures and Algorithms and web development.
- 💞️ I’m trying to arrange resources for my juniors.
- I'm GeeksforGeeks Campus Mantri.
- I'm GFG IIST Chapter Innovation Head.
- Mentored around 50 students for get started with coding.
- I had served CodeChef IIST as a Competitive Progeammer.
Find the repos I'm proud of, below in my pinned repos.
Please provide support by giving star if you liked it.
🧡 Thank you for visiting my Github Profile 🧡