Dockerfile for mrister/fake-s3 on Docker Hub.
Deploys fake-s3 in a Docker container from master branch with option to allow CORS headers control
To create a deployment:
docker run --name local_s3 -d mrister/fake-s3
Service exposed on port 4569. Credentials are ignored all CORS headers set to value *
See fake-s3 README for details/limitations.
If you want fake-s3 to be exposed on your Docker host on port 4569, then
docker run --name local_s3 -p 4569:4569 -d mrister/fake-s3
If you want the container to use a volume, then
docker run --name local_s3 -v /fakes3_root -d mrister/fake-s3
The fake-s3 root directory will then be added as a volume on the Docker host. To get the volume
docker inspect --format "{{range .Mounts}}{{.Source}}{{end}}" local_s3
If you want the container to use a CORS environment variables, then
docker run --name local_s3 -v /fakes3_root -p 4569:4569 \
-e "CORS_ORIGIN=*" \
-d mrister/fake-s3
I needed a version that was nt throwing errors due to CORS on latest aws-sdk-js for demoing purposes so I decides to build this docker image based on