This is a set of bindings for the GNOME 2.x and 3.x libraries to use from Ruby 2.4, 2.5 and 2.6.
The gems of the Ruby-GNOME projects can be easily installed with the gem
For example in order to install the gtk3 gem and its dependencies:
gem install gtk3
You can also install these gems from GitHub master branch.
Create Gemfile
like the following:
source ""
git "" do
gem "gtk3"
Install these gems by Bundler:
% bundle install
- Ruby/GLib2: GLib 2.12.x or later
- Ruby/ATK: ATK 1.12.x or later
- Ruby/Pango: Pango 1.14.x or later
- Ruby/GdkPixbuf2: GTK+ 2.0.x or later
- Ruby/GTK2: GTK+ 2.10.x or later
- Ruby/GObjectIntrospection: GObject Introspection 1.32.1 or later
- Ruby/GLib2: GLib 2.12.x or later
- Ruby/GIO2: GIO 2.16.x or later
- Ruby/ATK: ATK 1.12.x or later
- Ruby/Pango: Pango 1.14.x or later
- Ruby/GdkPixbuf2: GTK+ 2.0.x or later
- Ruby/GObjectIntrospection: GObject Introspection 1.32.1 or later
- Ruby/CairoGObject: cairo-gobject 1.12.10 or later
- Ruby/GDK3: GTK+ 3.4.2 or later
- Ruby/GTK3: GTK+ 3.4.2 or later
- ruby-gtk2 + ruby-gtk3
- Ruby/RSVG2: librsvg 2.8.0 or later
- Ruby/Poppler: poppler-glib 0.8.0 or later
- Ruby/VTE: VTE 0.12.1 or later
- Ruby/VTE3: VTE 0.37.0 or later
- Ruby/GStreamer: GStreamer 1.0.0 or later
- Ruby/GtkSourceView2: GtkSourceView 2.0.0 or later
- Ruby/GtkSourceView3: GtkSourceView 3.4.2 or later
- Ruby/GtkSourceView4: GtkSourceView 4.0.0 or later
- Ruby/Clutter: Clutter 1.12.0 or later
- Ruby/ClutterGTK: Clutter-GTK 1.2.0 or later
- Ruby/ClutterGStreamer:Clutter-GStreamer 2.0.0 or later
- Ruby/WebKitGTK: WebKitGTK+ 1.8.1 or later (for GTK+ 3)
- Ruby/WebKitGTK2: WebKitGTK+ 1.8.1 or later (for GTK+ 2)
- Ruby/WebKit2GTK: WebKitGTK+ 2.0.0 or later (for GTK+ 3)
- Ruby/GSF: GSF 1.14.0 or later
- Ruby/GOffice: GOffice 0.10 or later
- Ruby/Gnumeric: Gnumeric 1.12 or later
% ruby extconf.rb
% make
% sudo make install
To compile and install a particular sub-binding, you can add arguments:
% ruby extconf.rb [subdir]...
e.g.) ruby extconf.rb glib2 pango atk gdk_pixbuf2 gtk2
Or you can compile each sub-binding:
% cd <each sub-directory>
% ruby extconf.rb
% make
% sudo make install
- ruby directory
- top source directory
- top directory
- if some libraries fail to compile/install, "make" command returns 1(exit 1)
Please report bugs either in our bug tracker
or on the ruby-gnome2-devel-en / ruby-gnome2-devel-ja mailing list
Copyright (c) 2002-2019 Ruby-GNOME Project Team
This program is free software. You can distribute/modify this program under the terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1.
Some GTK+ 3 examples are licensed under GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or any later version later; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.
Because they are based on scripts in PyGObject-Tutorial. PyGObject-Tutorial is licensed under GFDL 1.3.
See gtk3/examples/ directory for details.