This assumes that you want to install the DemoFramework in a Vagrant VM.
You should install as described on But since that didn't work for me and I went crazy on the ruby gems, chef and version dependencies I created a couple of simple shell scripts.
Installing a LAMP server and Drupal site isn't that hard and I believe you shouldn't have to install a shitload of ruby.
Just make sure you have Vagrant and Virtualbox installed and try ./
- Debian wheezy 7.1 basebox (see Vagrantfile)
- Enable the image_allow_insecure_derivatives configuration variable in your settings.php (see install script)
- Drush version 5.10.0
- Apache runs with vagrant userid to allow changes in /files
The provisions scripts will meet the requirements except for the basebox. You have to get your own basebox. Fetch one from or build one yourself (if you don't trust others). The Vagrantfile has an example on how to download one from a remote location.
- Caching is disabled (don't know why)