- 👋 Hi, I’m Morgan.
- 👀 I’m interested in data science and machine learning.
🔭 I’m working on advancing my skills in data science, especially in machine learning to tackle some interesting challenges.
👯 I’m eager to collaborate on ML projects that address real-world problems. If you have ideas, let’s chat!
🤝 I’m also looking for mentorship to help me deepen my expertise in machine learning engineering and model deployment.
🌱 Right now, I’m refining my machine learning skills and exploring diverse datasets to build effective models.
💬 Feel free to ask me about anything related to data science, machine learning and data analytics.
⚡ Fun fact: The data we create every day is mind-boggling—around 2.5 quintillion bytes! Machine learning helps make sense of this massive data stream, transforming it into insights we use every day.