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Admin Panel Guide

Welcome to the Admin Guide. This document aims to help you navigate through database migration, seeding, API usage, and more within our Laravel application. Let's get started with setting up your environment and dive into the details of how to manage your database and explore the API functionalities.

Table of Contents

  1. Database Migration and Seeding Guide
  2. API Documentation
  3. Observations and Notes

Database Migration and Seeding Guide

This section covers the necessary steps to configure, migrate, and seed your MySQL database for the Laravel application.

Database Configuration

  1. Rename .env.example to .env in your project directory.
  2. Update your .env file with the database configuration:

DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= // or your MySQL server IP DB_PORT=3306 // your MySQL server port, default is 3306 DB_DATABASE=homestead // replace with your database name DB_USERNAME=homestead // replace with your user name DB_PASSWORD=secret // replace with your password

Database Migration

After configuring your .env file, it's time to run database migrations. Migrations allow you to modify your database schema in a structured way.

Execute the following Artisan command to migrate:

bash php artisan migrate bash Copy code php artisan migrate This command will create tables in your database based on the migration files found in the database/migrations directory.

Database Seeding

Database seeding is the process of filling your database with data. This data can be testing data or default data like roles or admin user.

To run database seeds, use the db:seed Artisan command:

bash php artisan db:seed This command will populate your tables with data based on the seed files found in the database/seeders directory.

After you've run these commands, your application's database will be set up and populated with data.

Refreshing Migrations and Seeds

If you want to rollback all your migrations, migrate them again and re-run the seeders, you can use the migrate:refresh command along with the --seed option:

bash php artisan migrate:refresh --seed

This will give you a fresh start if you need to clear out your database for any reason.

Note: Please make sure that you've installed all the dependencies using composer install command before running migration and seeding commands.

For more information, you can refer to the official Laravel documentation:

Migrations: Seeding:


To explore the API, I have generated comprehensive documentation using the Scribe package. You can access this documentation at http://localhost:8000/docs

The documentation includes descriptions of the endpoints, the required parameters, the responses, as well as examples to help you understand how to use each endpoint.


This API uses Laravel Sanctum for authentication. The register and login endpoints return a token which needs to be included in the Authorization header in the format Bearer {token} for authenticated requests.


Errors are returned in the following format:

json { "message": "Error message", "errors": { "field": [ "Error related to this field" ] } }


Here are the general categories of endpoints available:

Authentication: Register, login and logout endpoints. Advertiser: Get and update advertiser's information. Ads: CRUD operations on ads. Payments: CRUD operations on payments.

observations and notes

'allowed_methods' url to be replaced with the react url in cors.php file

Special Kudos

A big thank you to everyone who contributed to this guide. Special kudos to @mryoshq for writing and compiling this comprehensive documentation. Your efforts make it easier for everyone to navigate and utilize the Admin Panel functionalities efficiently.