《偷功》 is a song in old HongKong film composed by 胡伟立
Everybody in childhood want to use their bare hand to make a cyclone ball in their household washer after watching this film
Mimnal Dem version
PBF version
For futher imformation please reffer to this post : https://forum.taichi-lang.cn/t/topic/2975/16?u=mrzhuzhe
python3 dem.py # Yellow dem cyclone
python3 pbf.py # Blue position based fluid cyclone
python3 dem-3d-snode.py # YelloW dem cyclone , for comparing, implement by taichi dynamic snode features
Make sure your pip
is up-to-date:
$ pip3 install pip --upgrade
Assume you have a Python 3 environment, to install Taichi:
$ pip3 install -U taichi
Position based fluid is implement based on
Ten minutes physics https://matthias-research.github.io/pages/tenMinutePhysics/
Taichi structured data organization Document
Snodes https://docs.taichi-lang.org/docs/internal#data-structure-organization
Dynamic snode https://docs.taichi-lang.org/docs/sparse#dynamic-snode