Users can create an maintain family newsletters. They can invite new members, and submit entries for the next newsletter. On the first of each month, every member of a newsletter will receive an email with entries from the previous month, as well as a link back to the site so they can view everything in one place.
If you would like to test the site's functionality, log in using the email '' and the password 'password'.
My Trello board to keep track of user stories and acceptance criteria
My ER diagram
I used a Rails backend and React frontend, styled with Scss and Foundation.
Other Resources:
- QR code generation - package called 'qrcode-react'
- Photo uploading - Carrierwave and Amazon S3
- Photo submitting in React - Dropzone
- Maps - Google Maps API
- Email - ActiveMailer and Sendgrid
- Monthly Newsletter - Heroku Scheduler, Sidekiq, and custom rake task
This project uses a postgresql database.
Before viewing the project on localhost, make sure you:
- Create a database (rake db:create)
- Load the schema (rake db:schema:load)
- Install Ruby gems with 'bundle install'
- Install NPM packages with 'npm install' or 'yarn install'
- Start a rails server with 'rails s'
- Start a javascript server with 'npm start'
- Navigate to localhost/3000
- Rspec tests can be run with 'rspec'
- Jasmine-enzyme tests can be run with 'npm test'