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(Deprecated) Image-based bookmark organizer website featuring a comprehensive search engine, tagging, and gallery view.

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Deprecated. Visit the Mark II repository for the successor to this project.

What is OneMark?

OneMark is a responsive, image-based bookmark organizer featuring a gallery view, comprehensive search engine, and tagging system.



Version 3.00  -  (2021-06-07)

  • Final changelog update. OneMark will continue to be updated in my free time for personal use; however, I will no longer be documenting development.

Version 2.12  -  (2020-12-09)

  • Fixed infinite loop in bookmark creator modal caused by TagInput component receiving a non-primitive default value (empty array []) for the initValue prop after refactoring to Hooks in (Version 2.11)
  • Updated Tabs component to conditionally use the SideScroller component for horizontal scrolling in row mode
  • Moved AlertButton component into Alert component

Version 2.11  -  (2020-12-03)

  • Completed refactoring to React Hooks
  • Added utils/hooks.js for common custom hooks
  • Added components/articles/link.jsx to handle opening links in new tabs with proper referrer attributes
  • Minor SCSS updates

Version 2.10  -  (2020-12-02)

  • Redesigned login page
  • Started refactoring components to React Hooks
    • Fixed old warnings / bugs relating to deprecation
  • Fixed certain valid URLs being rejected due to weak RegEx
  • Updated SCSS structuring and some design elements

Version 2.09  -  (2020-10-22)

  • Updated TagInput to clear input field after adding / deleting entered tag
  • Fixed bookmark advanced search algorithim not properly forming regexes and conditionals when toggling "Match all terms" option
    • Added compareLogic utility function to facilitate conditional generation of logical operators
    • Reorganized and reformatted code for greater clarity
  • Fixed redux store not properly resetting when switching from one account to another within the same browser session
  • Fixed issue with lazy-loading algorithim preventing client-side updates to bookmark images after they've been modified
  • Fixed ImageInput not actually clearing when clicking "Remove Image" despite visually seeming to
    • File input now controlled via ref
  • Fixed and simplified No-Image detection
    • Replaced filename stored in database with simple string "none"
    • Replaced regex test with simple string comparison
  • Removed autocompletion from forms
  • Moved client/src/views folder to client/src/components
  • Miscellaneous code cleanup and optimizations

Version 2.08  -  (2020-10-07)

  • Fixed searchbar-induced crash by escaping individual terms
  • Refactored import and export patterns

Version 2.07  -  (2020-09-29)

  • Added Banner component to display across the bottom of the screen
  • Added banner prompting to install the add-on Chrome extension on first visit to homepage
    • Hidden permanently (via localStorage) after clicking the link to the extension page or the banner close button
  • Added "No bookmarks found" display when the bookmark container is empty
  • Converted several raster images to vectors for improved scaling and reduced media footprint
  • Updates to SCSS color usage and naming schema
  • Fixed undefined being returned by the server when no bookmarks are found on homepage load

Version 2.06  -  (2020-09-28)

  • Added 'Delete' action to multi-select bar
  • Added 'Alert' component
  • Improved SASS variable system
    • Added classes for text and background color for each new color variable
  • Further refactoring / code cleanup

Version 2.05  -  (2020-09-27)

  • Abstracted react components further and restructured files and folders
  • Converted multiple class components to functional components
  • Further code improvements in redux files
  • Updated imports and exports to remove extensions for easier future development
  • Fixed bookmark search issue involving negated terms
  • Fixed scrolling behavior on Privacy Policy page
  • Fixed document title behavior
  • Fixed minor issues in CSS
  • Fixed miscellaneous code styling inconsistencies
  • Removed unused images

Version 2.04  -  (2020-09-18)

  • Added multi-select functionality to bookmarks
    • A checkbox will now appear on hovering over the top-left of a bookmark
      • Clicking the checkbox will bring up the multi-select bar at the bottom of the screen
      • Updated checkbox component to support additional functionality and prevent click-through behavior
    • Current options are "Edit Tags", which will bring up the new multi-tag editor ("tagger") and "Unselect All"
  • Abstracted error handling on server and fixed existing related helper functions
  • Added new utility functions for client and server
  • Minor fixes to SCSS classes
  • Minor reorganization of reducer and action files for clarity

Version 2.03  -  (2020-09-09)

  • Fixed date-related inconsistencies between client and server
  • Fixed duplicate toasts on bookmark creation
  • Fixed missing image size data after editing bookmark

Version 2.02  -  (2020-09-09)

  • Added custom 404 page
  • Fixed controlled inputs jumping to end of line on input

Version 2.01  -  (2020-08-24)

  • Re-added ability to open bookmark on middle-click / scroll-wheel click

Version 2.00  -  (2020-08-17)

  • Official release of the React (Create-React-App) / Node (Express) edition of OneMark. See the OneMark-Original-Public repository for the original version of OneMark (last revision 1.02) built using vanilla HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and PHP. The existing changelog has been appended below for consolidated reference.
  • Toast system changed to use the React-Toastify library
    • InlineMessage functionality replaced with toasts
  • Removed debouncing on searchbar due to complexity of integration with React (the debounce function of Lodash works more seamlessly; however, the additional footprint of the library is not worth this sole purpose)

Version 1.02  -  (2020-06-12)

  • Fixed incomplete query in updateProfile(...) in db-functions.php causing updates to all rows

Version 1.01  -  (2020-06-06)

  • Compressed repetitive variable assignment in searchBookmarks() even further using destructuring and mapping
  • Fixed typo in function call on register page throwing fatal error

Version 1.00  -  (2020-06-05)

  • Restructured global objects and references
  • Redesigned various UI elements
    • Homepage changed to dark mode (light mode will return as an alternative at a later date)
    • Modals updated with cleaner designs
    • Transparent input style with animated label moved from default styling on inputs to its own classes (currently no longer used on homepage, only on login page)
    • 'Upload Image' button on bookmark create / edit modals now changes to 'Remove Image' if an image is uploaded or already exists
      • Removed 'Remove Image' button
      • Bookmark edit modal now checks if the bookmark has an image and updates the 'Upload Image' button on modal open
      • Button now takes up full available space at all viewport dimensions
      • Removed fileUpload() and removeUpload() and restructured functionality into uploadFile() and updateFileInput()
    • Bookmark create / edit modals now convert from a row structure to a column structure on mobile
    • Bookmarks now have a minimal semi-transparent black border to better differentiate between bookmarks with similar images
    • Changed bookmark outer and title elements from div to figure and figcaption elements for improved semantics
    • Changed buttons using a tags on 'login' / 'register' to span tags for improved semantics
  • Fixed issues resulting from incorrect ordering on some querySelectorAll destructuring combinations
  • Updated 'Account' modal with ability to change username and email
    • Added supporting functionality to update-profile.php (formerly update-pass.php) and db-functions.php to change username, email, or password
    • Changed updatePassword() to updateProfile() in home.js and merged former functionality with new username and email functionality
    • Updated modalAccount() in home.js to only call php/account-info.php and store it in the global object if it's not already stored, which reduces needless server calls every time the modal is opened
  • Overhauled bookmark search
    • Added 'Advanced Search' dropdown UI
      • Can add terms in the form of [Anything || Title || URL || Tag] + [contains || does not contain]
      • Match words in either AND or OR form
      • Match partial words or whole words only
      • Collapses to column view on mobile
      • Added addSearchTerm() to home.js to add terms to searchbar and then call searchBookmarks()
    • Updated searchBookmarks() - revised regular expression creation and testing to allow for negated searches and more complex combinations
  • Merged hideTags(...) and showTags(...) into displayTags(...) in home.js
  • Added emptyContainer(...) to common.js for emptying container elements of their children
  • Added closeMenu(...) to common.js to close a specific menu
  • Added selectDropdown() to common.js to support custom-styled dropdown menus (replacement for select and option html tags)
  • Renamed printDate(...) to formatDate(...) in common.js
  • Updated closeMenus(...) and toggleMenu(...) to allow prevention of parent menu closure when opening child menus, such as the dropdowns on the 'Advanced Search' menu

Version 0.90  -  (2020-05-22)

  • Updated .htaccess to hide file extensions and use DirectoryIndex
    • index.php renamed to home.php
  • Created common.css by extracting elements common to different pages / projects
    • Each page now has a specific stylesheet, i.e. home.css and login.css
  • Updated all JavaScript files to use ES6 consistently, cleanup functions and global scope, and extract common functions
    • Functions and object properties reordered lexicographically
    • Global variables all placed into single file-specific global const
    • Replaced all uses of var keyword with let and const
    • Shortened frequently used and unncessarily long variable names while expanding more specific names to make their purpose clearer
    • home.js functions regexEscape(...), formatBytes(...), closeMenus(), toggleMenu(), modalClose(...), and createAlert(...) extracted to common.js module
  • Updates to home.js
    • sortBookmarks() now persists sort method using localStorage
    • Removed activeBookmarks variable and references to it as it was proactively created in an early version for a potential feature that no longer requires it
    • Abstracted part of bookmarksEmpty(...) to new checkEmpty(...) in common.js module
    • Bookmarks can now additionally be opened by clicking the scrollwheel
  • Updates to common.js
    • Added capitalize(...), checkEmpty(...), leadZeros(...), and printDate(...) functions
    • Renamed insertInlineMessage(...) to inlineMessage(...)
  • Fixed registration bug associated with AuthTokens
  • Removed php/restricted/db-steup.php

Version 0.81  -  (2020-03-25)

  • Created privacy policy page to comply with Chrome Web Store requirement for listing OneMark extension
  • Tidied up some elements of stylesheet.css (in-progress; will extract common elements to a common.css stylesheet and create page-specific stylesheets)

Version 0.80  -  (2020-03-10)

  • Added supporting API files and functions for the new OneMark extension
    • Added ext-add-bookmark.php, a custom version of add-bookmark.php for extension requests
    • Added ext-login.php, a custom version of login.php for extension requests
    • Added bookmarkExists(...) function to db-functions.php for server-side validation
    • Updated .htaccess to allow origin requests from extension and Authorization headers
  • Replaced unicode characters with their codes for improved reliability
  • Updated async / await statements to reduce from 2 lines to 1 line per fetch call
    • Bookmark info content abstracted from createBookmark() to getBookmarkInfo(...)
  • Updated insertInlineMessage(...) function of Common module to be simpler and support more options
    • Can now set a duration for messages to be deleted after
  • Updated constraints on title and pageURL fields for bookmarks
    • Updated validity checks in isValid(...) function of Common module
    • Updated validity checks in add-bookmark.php and edit-bookmark.php
  • Updated AuthToken duration from 14 days to 30 days
  • Fixed error in info modals for bookmarks not updating without refreshing page
  • Fixed pathing issue in logging.php when included from a different directory
  • Fixed bookmarks with no image not receiving the new ImageSize property in upload.php

Version 0.73  -  (2020-02-08)

  • Fixed AuthToken bug caused by cookie being set to directory instead of domain

Version 0.72  -  (2020-02-08)

  • Fixed mobile-responsiveness of modals, font-sizes, and scrollable menus

Version 0.71  -  (2020-02-08)

  • Fixed incorrect URL validation RegEx by replacing with AngularJS's RegEx
  • Fixes for undesired behavior involving tag search visual displays
    • Fixed tag search button incorrect resizing on different screen sizes and variance in text-width
      • Tag search label has been removed and the placeholder on the search input has been re-enabled
    • Search field is now cleared when the tag search button is activated upon adding or removing a tag
  • Fixed bugs in searchBookmarks() function

Version 0.70  -  (2020-02-02)

  • Hotfix of critical errors in modalClose() function
  • Converted fat-arrow notation for anonymous functions requiring an event or this reference back to original notation
  • Updated sort-menu buttons
    • Order changed to reflect most likely desired sorting attributes in descending order
    • Changed default query sort in getAllBookmarks() function in db-functions.php to 'DateModified' descending
    • Added indicator of currently selected sort

Version 0.69  -  (2020-02-02)

  • Added 'Image Size' sort option
    • Added ImageSize column to Images db-table
  • Added dynamic alert modals with createAlert()
    • The minimum required to deliver a proper front-end experience has been implemented with aspects hard-coded as necessary to prevent excessive focus on recreating a feature with several established, extensive libaries that can be implemented in prodctuion
    • 'Info' option added to bookmark dropdown menus to display metadata info (Date Created, Date Modified, View Count, Image Size)
      • Added formatBytes() function to home.js to pretty-print 'Image Size'
    • Updated modalClose() function to support optional deletion of modal
  • Added 'Account' option, which opens a dynamic tabbed modal, to side-menu
    • Account info tab currently contains username, email, date account created, and account type
      • Created account-info.php and added associated functions to db-functions.php
    • Password tab allows updating current password
      • Created update-pass.php and added associated functions to db-functions.php
      • Added updatePassword() function to home.js
      • Updated isValid() function to support comparison of current password to new password
    • Moved switchPanel() function from login.js to common.js
    • Added swtichTab() function to common.js to support tabbed-panels
  • Fixed undesired behavior of input title and error labels when not using reversed column order
  • Fixed AuthToken login bug caused by previous change from fetching full login.php in JS to in-line php session check
  • Fixed randomizeTheme() bug causing same theme to be picked consecutively
    • Added getRandomInt() function to common.js module to facilitate recursive random integer generation
  • Consolidated global variables in common.js and login.js into singular global objects
    • Renamed Globals object in home.js to IdxGlobals and added similar prefixes to the new globals to prevent naming clashes
  • Renamed JavaScript and HTML/PHP files to make the 'main' page the index page
    • The former index.php (containing the login page) is now login.php
    • The former main.php (containing the main site) is now index.php, and main.js is now home.js

Version 0.68  -  (2020-01-29)

  • Merged upload- and edit-bookmark modals into one dynamic modal
    • Removed several extraneous element attributes related to differentiating between elements on edit and upload modals
    • Modified functions, event listeners, and global variables associated with previous configuration to now directly reference the unique elements on the bookmark-modal instead of dynamically creating IDs
  • Fixed IntersectionObserver implementation, which only observed images created at window load and not newly created bookmarks
    • Observer is now created as a global variable and bookmark images are observed upon creation in createBookmark() instead of all at once on window load
  • Consolidated global variables (excluding lazyObserver) into single global object Globals
  • Rewrote addListeners() function in common.js to simplify structure, consolidate repeated code, and add support for classes as identifiers
  • Updated common.js to use string literals
  • Added bookmark sorting functionality
    • Sort options include Title, Views, Date Created, and Date Modified with an ascending and descending option for each
    • Added Views column (default = 0) to Bookmarks db-table to support new sort type
    • Added add-view.php file for asynchronus incrementation of bookmark view count
    • Updated navbar HTML structure and CSS styling to support new 'Sort' menu
  • Moved db-functions.php and logging.php to restricted folders as they should not be directly accessible by users

Version 0.67  -  (2020-01-24)

  • Added 'Remove Image' button to edit- and upload-bookmark modals
  • Added lazy-loading of bookmark images using the IntersectionObserver API
  • Revised ID and class naming schemes in HTML and CSS to shorten repetitive lengthy names
  • Revised image folder structure on account of previous changes to separation of static and dynamic images
  • Updated favicon to new custom OneMark logo
  • Updated insertInlineMessage() to fade-in over 1 second
  • Fixed portions of mobile-responsive CSS (requires further testing)
  • Relegated unused images and design files to subfolders ignored in .gitignore

Version 0.66  -  (2020-01-18)

  • Replaced page-load.js module and page-load.php with in-line PHP to remove noticeable delay
    • Changed index.html and main.html all references in JS and PHP files to use .php extensions
    • Use PHP header() instead of JS window.location.href to redirect immediately without executing following code
  • Modified get-bookmarks.php to reduce page loading lag
    • Moved assignment of bookmark-tags to getAllBookmarks() function
    • Replaced foreach loop calling getBookmarkTag() on each bookmark in getAllBookmarks() to get all bookmark-tags for selected user at once
      • Looped through all tags retrieved to check if BookmarkID matches and add tags to Tags field of returned bookmarks array
      • Script execution reduced from average of ~160ms to ~90ms (measured on local environment; production enviroment down from ~90ms to ~40ms)
  • Replaced window.onload with DOMContentLoaded event listener in index.php and main.php

Version 0.65  -  (2020-01-14)

  • Added monitoring plug-in to Heroku to keep dyno active 24/7
    • Achieved with NewRelic Synthetics ping option at an interval of 15 minutes

Version 0.64  -  (2020-01-12)

  • Fixed critical error in createTag() caused by querySelector processing speed
    • Switched querySelector call to getElementById for proper sequential declaration
    • Updated tag HTML structure to include another ID for the getElementById call
  • Modified createBookmark to replace createElements with ES6 string literal for improved readability and updating
    • Contextual fragment used to add event listeners
  • Updated main.js and login.js to use string literals instead of concatenation
  • Fixed error in RegExp creation in searchBookmarks() causing bookmarks with spaces in any of their properties to be incorrectly displayed at all times
  • Updated searchBookmarks() to use ES6 destructuring assignment and map() array function in place of repetitive code where applicable
  • Updated db-connect.php to use environment variables instead of hardcoded database credentials
  • Updated main.js and login.js to use string literals instead of concatenation

Version 0.63  -  (2020-01-10)

  • Created page-load.js to solve issue of page flicker between login and main pages
    • Script runs before loading DOM using defer tag and checks for user status via PHP
    • Flickering has not been fixed
      • Priority assigned to Completed; however, the task is essentially assigned the lowest priority for revision
      • Flickering of bookmarks now occurs due to delay introduced by having to use AWS S3 instead of the local filesystem; however, impact is negligible due to memory caching
      • Highest impact on page load times now reassigned to get-bookmarks.php and login.php

Version 0.62  -  (2020-01-10)

  • Due to the nature of Heroku's ephemeral file storage system, the storage of uploaded images needed to be switched to a persistent storage server
    • The free tier of Amazon S3 is being used for 5GB of image storage
      • IAM user given *list, *read, *write, and PutObjectACL permissions
    • Load AWS SDK
      • AWS SDK installed using composer.json
      • Bucket name and S3 credentials stored in and retrieved from Heroku configuration variables
    • Update upload.php file to use Amazon S3 bucket instead of local filesystem
      • Image paths and urls modified to use quasi-directories to account for flat architecture

Version 0.61  -  (2020-01-09)

  • Hotfix of incorrect commit resulting in old files not being removed

Version 0.60  -  (2020-01-09)

  • Partial rewrite of database to isolate images to their own table with a relationship to the Bookmark table
  • Store image hashes from PHP in database Images table with a unique index constraint to search for duplicate images on upload and set image paths to existing images instead of reuploading or overwriting them
  • Extensive rewrite of PHP files to abstract all database-related functions and merge with the AuthTokens module to create the db-functions.php file for one comprehensive include
  • Removed .menu-toggle sub-elements to replace with pseudo-elements
    • Updated design definitions to more standard practices
    • Updated modal-close buttons to follow the same design practices
  • Access to sensitive PHP files restricted to server-only via .htaccess configuration
  • Abstraction of common functions to common.js module using import and export API
  • Form validation / restrictions via HTML, JS, and PHP for forms on login and main pages
    • Temporary toasts replaced with new error labels adjacent to form fields
  • Align minimum and maximum values for JS / PHP input with values in database
  • Search bookmarks using regular expressions
    • Filter by title, url, and tags using the form [type]: for prefixes
      • Toggle AND/OR for terms
      • Toggle full-word for terms
    • Associated helper functions for removing, hiding, and showing bookmarks
    • General debouncing function to limit search calculations
  • Bookmark tagging system implemented and completed
    • Many-to-many relationship between Bookmark and Tag tables using BookmarkTag bridge table
    • On bookmark upload / edit, tags are compared to existing tags and added or removed from the BookmarkTag table. Tags are added to the Tag table if they do not exist
    • Upload and edit modals redesigned to include a tags container
      • Search field with inline-button that shows as "x" when the tag is in the list and "+" otherwise
      • Box below search with rows listing tags with "x" buttons next to them
  • Cleaned up and updated JS code to use more ES6 elements (arrow functions, ternary and spread operators, destructuring assignment, etc.)
  • Added AccessLevel column to User database table for potential future uses
    • Check when requesting access to restricted files and functions
    • Add Standard and Admin for development; add Premium in production
  • Updated bookmark image hover animation to move along both dimensions
    • To account for jittering introduced by minimal movements on the x-axis, the duration has been reduced from 5s to 2s and the timing function has been changed to linear
    • To return the animation to the center without modifying the keyframes definition of movePosition, the iteration count has been increased from 2 to 2.5
  • Transferral of To-Do-List from main.js to
    • Consolidation of To-Do-List and GitHub commit changelogs into one entity
    • Retroactive updates to To-Do-List and changelogs to improve information granularity, consistency, and formatting

Version 0.51  -  (2019-10-01)

  • Hotfix for graphical issues caused by improper commit

Version 0.50  -  (2019-10-01)

  • Complete visual redesign to a consistent, material design
  • Mobile responsiveness added where relevant (not including touch features)
  • Navigation bar added to contain miscellaneous buttons and future features
  • Updates of JS and PHP corresponding with redesign
  • Authentication tokens / "Remember Me" functionality fully implemented
  • Code cleanup and optimization
  • Improved to-do-list organization

Version 0.40  -  (2019-08-26)

  • Token authentication and persistent login system added
  • Logging system added (primarily for development debugging)
  • Cleaned up interactions between JS and PHP to show users appropriate messages and redirect to the correct locations
  • New functions added in PHP and JS along with optimizations and code cleanup

Version 0.30  -  (2019-07-21)

  • Creation of Database and PHP Scripts
  • Updates to HTML Structure
  • Minor modifications to CSS
  • Sweeping shanges to Javascript core functions and introduction of new functions in correspondance with introduction of PHP scripts

Version 0.20  -  (2019-02-10)

  • Initial commits of existing files


(Deprecated) Image-based bookmark organizer website featuring a comprehensive search engine, tagging, and gallery view.



