This application connects an Arduino that reads data from sensors* (temperature and humidity in this case) to a PHP application that stores the information on a Database and displays it with a Javascript library specific for Data Visualization.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Arduino with ehternet shield or other network interface
- Apache Web Server
- MySQL Database Server
The web application can run within a local area network, with the help of XAMP application stack (on linux) or WAMP (on windows), but the server needs to be configured to accept local IP's. Or, like i did, on a server located outside your home network.
To know how to wire the arduino with the sensor, please refer to the guide i have hosted on instructables
First, create a database named anything you like and then run the following sql script:
temperature int(11) NOT NULL,
humidity int(11) NOT NULL
Then create an SQL user with password and attribute previleges for the newly created database.
You will need to replace the credentials in the file includes/connect.php with the new ones.
function Connection(){
Next, copy the php app files to a server location, taking into account the following:
Put the PHP code within the root of the server, and it will be accessible through:
Or, you can create a subdomain and put the PHP inside the subdomain code folder, and it will be accessible through:
Or, you can create a folder and put the PHP code inside it, and it will be accessible through:
To configure the server ther arduino connects to, in the file Arduino_client.ino, lines 42 and 44 will take the address of your own server. This address can either be a normal webdomain or an IP Address.
void loop(){
if (client.connect("www.*****.*************.com",80)) { // REPLACE WITH YOUR SERVER ADDRESS
client.println("Host: *****.*************.com"); // SERVER ADDRESS HERE TOO
Next, you can upload the code to your Arduino and connect it to the network. This Arduino code is designed to use Dynamic IP Addresses, so that it can be used on normal home networks without IPS conflicts.
This javascript library integration will render the information like in the following image.
First release is the code shared on Instructables, with the fully functional Arduino Client and a basic PHP Web App. The app only shows a table with the raw sql data.
The second release is the full Application using the D3.js Javascript framework to show an awesome Data Visualization of the information gathered.