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Day 3

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Here I'm going to list two methods --- one that involves pre-building a set to check if a tree is at a given point, and the other involves just a single direct traversal checking all valid points for trees!

First of all, I'm going to reveal one of my favorite secrets for parsing 2D ASCII maps!

asciiGrid :: IndexedFold (Int, Int) String Char
asciiGrid = reindexed swap (lined <.> folded)

This gives you an indexed fold (from the lens package) iterating over each character in a string, indexed by (x,y)!

This lets us parse today's ASCII forest pretty easily into a Set (Int, Int):

parseForest :: String -> Set (Int, Int)
parseForest = ifoldMapOf asciiGrid $ \xy c -> case c of
    '#' -> S.singleton xy
    _   -> S.empty

This folds over the input string, giving us the (x,y) index and the character at that index. We accumulate with a monoid, so we can use a Set (Int, Int) to collect the coordinates where the character is '#' and ignore all other coordinates.

Admittedly, Set (Int, Int) is sliiiightly overkill, since you could probably use Vector (Vector Bool) or something with V.fromList . map (V.fromList . (== '#')) . lines, and check for membership with double-indexing. But I was bracing for something a little more demanding, like having to iterate over all the trees or something. Still, sparse grids are usually my go-to data structure for Advent of Code ASCII maps.

Anyway, now we need to be able to traverse the ray. We can write a function to check all points in our line, given the slope (delta x and delta y):

countTrue :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int
countTrue p = length . filter p

countLine :: Int -> Int -> Set (Int, Int) -> Int
countLine dx dy pts = countTrue valid [0..322]
    valid i = (x, y) `S.member` pts
        x = (i * dx) `mod` 31
        y = i * dy

And there we go :)

part1 :: Set (Int, Int) -> Int
part1 = countLine 1 3

part2 :: Set (Int, Int) -> Int
part2 pts = product $
    [ countLine 1 1
    , countLine 3 1
    , countLine 5 1
    , countLine 7 1
    , countLine 1 2
    ] <*> [pts]

Note that this checks a lot of points we wouldn't normally need to check: any y points out of range (322) for dy > 1. We could add a minor optimization to only check for membership if y is in range, but because our check is a set lookup, it isn't too inefficient and it always returns False anyway. So a small price to pay for slightly more clean code :)

So this was the solution I used to submit my original answers, but I started thinking the possible optimizations. I realized that we could actually do the whole thing in a single traversal...since we could associate each of the points with coordinates as we go along, and reject any coordinates that would not be on the line!

We can write a function to check if a coordinate is on a line:

    :: Int      -- ^ dx
    -> Int      -- ^ dy
    -> (Int, Int)
    -> Bool
validCoord dx dy = \(x,y) ->
    let (i,r) = y `divMod` dy
    in  r == 0 && (dx * i) `mod` 31 == x

And now we can use lengthOf with the coordinate fold up there, which counts how many traversed items match our fold:

countLineDirect :: Int -> Int -> String -> Int
countLineDirect dx dy = lengthOf (asciiGrid . ifiltered tree)
    checkCoord = validCoord dx dy
    tree pt c = c == '#' && checkCoord pt

And this gives the same answer, with the same interface!

part1 :: String -> Int
part1 = countLineDirect 1 3

part2 :: String -> Int
part2 pts = product $
    [ countLineDirect 1 1
    , countLineDirect 3 1
    , countLineDirect 5 1
    , countLineDirect 7 1
    , countLineDirect 1 2
    ] <*> [pts]

Is the direct single-traversal method any faster?

Well, it's complicated, slightly. There's a clear benefit in the pre-built set method for part 2, since we essentially build up an efficient structure (Set) that we re-use for all five lines. We get the most benefit if we build the set once and re-use it many times, since we only have to do the actual coordinate folding once.

So, directly comparing the two methods, we see the single-traversal as faster for part 1 and slower for part 2.

However, we can do a little better for the single-traversal method. As it turns out, the lens indexed fold is kind of slow. I was able to write the single-traversal one a much faster way by directly just using zip [0..], without losing too much readability. And with this direct single traversal and computing the indices manually, we get a much faster time for part 1 (about ten times faster!) and a slightly faster time for part 2 (about 5 times faster). The benchmarks for this optimized version are what is presented below.

Back to all reflections for 2020

Day 3 Benchmarks

>> Day 03a
time                 241.3 μs   (239.5 μs .. 244.2 μs)
                     0.998 R²   (0.996 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 241.8 μs   (239.8 μs .. 245.7 μs)
std dev              8.800 μs   (3.364 μs .. 14.91 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 33% (moderately inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded

>> Day 03b
time                 1.155 ms   (1.124 ms .. 1.197 ms)
                     0.986 R²   (0.967 R² .. 0.997 R²)
mean                 1.235 ms   (1.156 ms .. 1.496 ms)
std dev              434.4 μs   (61.26 μs .. 910.6 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 98% (severely inflated)

* parsing and formatting times excluded