This tool quickly generates config files for multiple Wireguard clients, connected to each other in a way specified in a single table.
MainIP | wa0 | ha0 | hp0 | gs0 | Public | Desc | |
[Tunnel] | work area | home area | homeproxy | gamestream | |||
[Port] | 58210 | 58211 | 58214 | 58254 | |||
[Target] | conker,bigbertha | all,-gemini,-alcatraz | all | conker | |||
alcatraz | | | | Yes | Work A | ||
bigbertha | | | | Yes | Work B | ||
conker | | | | Yes | Home A | ||
dilinger | | | | No | Home B | ||
echtart | | | | | No | Something | |
frostlos | | | | No | Rpi4 | ||
gemini | | No | Notes |
The table specifies the following pieces of information:
- Wireguard Tunnel as column headers
- The identifier and name of the tunnel (e.g. wa0 and “work area”)
- The listening port of the tunnel to be used on each client
- The target client(s) that all other clients should connect to.
- If some client names are given, then all other clients will specify just these clients as peers
- If “all” is given, then all clients specify all other clients as peers
- If “-” is given before a client name, after an “all” deceleration, then all clients will specify each other barring those with the “-“.
- Client hostnames given as row indexes
- Main stable IP addresses to access the client. Not all clients have these.
- The wireguard address for the client in the respective tunnel
- Whether the client as a public IP or not. If so, it’s endpoint will be specified in client configuration.
With such a table, one can generate a network map along with the corresponding configuration files. This takes care of key generation and peer specification. It also automatically calculates how big your subnet needs to be.
tree outputs
outputs |-- alcatraz | |-- ha0.conf | `-- wa0.conf |-- bigbertha | |-- hp0.conf | `-- wa0.conf |-- conker | |-- gs0.conf | `-- wa0.conf |-- dilinger | |-- gs0.conf | `-- ha0.conf |-- echtart | |-- gs0.conf | |-- ha0.conf | `-- hp0.conf |-- frostlos | |-- gs0.conf | `-- ha0.conf `-- gemini `-- ha0.conf 8 directories, 14 files
You will need to install: wireguard-tools graphviz python-graphviz
This document was written initially in org-mode via Emacs. One needs
to only change the table above and then hit C-c C-c
in the Code
section below. A new image will be created, along with output files in
the outputs
These can then be installed on the target machines in a similar manner as that outlined in the Installation section below.
- Create a TSV file with the contents of your client and tunnel configurations, similar to the table above. Call it “mytable.tsv”
- Copy the Code section below into a separate file. Call it “”
- Run
python mytable.tsv
- Copy the outputs to the target clients as outlines in the Installation section
First clear previous outputs
rm -rf outputs
Then generate the client configs and network map
from colorsys import hsv_to_rgb
import pandas as pd
from math import floor, log2
import graphviz
from os import popen, makedirs
from sys import argv
if len(argv) > 1:
clients = pd.read_csv(argv[1], sep="\t", header=0, index_col=0)
clients = pd.DataFrame(tab).set_index(0).rename_axis(None).T.set_index("").rename_axis(None).T
class Graph:
color_index = -1
colors = ("red", "darkgreen", "blue", "purple", "black", "brown", "orange", "yellow", "magenta")
edgeAttr = {} ## color
nodes = {}
edges = {}
_PORTSEP = "%%"
_TUNNSEP = "||"
_EDGESEP = "--"
def _getDistinctColor():
Graph.color_index += 1
def new_tunnel(tname, port):
Graph.edgeAttr[tname] = {"color": Graph._getDistinctColor()}
def new_node(A, tport, tname, tport_is_target=False):
tport = str(tport)
if not in Graph.nodes:
Graph.nodes[] = {
"ports": {},
"public": A.is_public
if tport not in Graph.nodes[]["ports"]:
tport_col = Graph.edgeAttr[tname]["color"] if tport_is_target else "#ffffff"
Graph.nodes[]["ports"][tport] = tport_col
pid = + Graph._PORTSEP + tport
def new_edge(nd1, nd2, tname):
key = Graph._EDGESEP.join(sorted([nd1, nd2])) + Graph._TUNNSEP + tname
if key not in Graph.edges:
Graph.edges[key] = True
def new_connection(A, B, tname, tport,
target_peer=["all"], nontarget_peer=[]):
A_is_target = ( in target_peer or target_peer==["all"]) and ( not in nontarget_peer)
B_is_target = ( in target_peer or target_peer==["all"]) and ( not in nontarget_peer)
nd1 = Graph.new_node(A, tport, tname, A_is_target)
nd2 = Graph.new_node(B, tport, tname, B_is_target)
Graph.new_edge(nd1, nd2, tname)
def render_graph():
g = graphviz.Graph(
engine="dot", filename="wireguard", format="png",
graph_attr={"rankdir":"RL", "compound":"true"},
edge_attr={"labelfontsize" : "6", "labelfloat" : "true"},
node_attr={"shape": "rectangle", "ordering":"out", "style":"filled"}
for node in Graph.nodes:
ports = Graph.nodes[node]["ports"]
with g.subgraph(name="cluster_"+node) as tmp:
tmp.attr(label=node, style="filled",
color="#eeeeee" if Graph.nodes[node]["public"] else "#bbbbbb")
for pt in ports:
pid = node + Graph._PORTSEP + pt
tmp.node(pid, pt, color=ports[pt], fillcolor="#ffffff")
for edge in Graph.edges:
(nodes, tname) = edge.split(Graph._TUNNSEP)
(nd1, nd2) = nodes.split(Graph._EDGESEP)
g.edge(nd1, nd2,
class Tunnel:
def __init__(self, name, title, port, targets=""): = name
self.title = title
self.listen = port
## Resolve Targets
if len(targets) < 1:
self.target_peer = ["all"]
self.nontarget_peer = []
targs = [x.strip() for x in targets.split(",")]
self.target_peer = [x for x in targs if x[0] != "-"]
self.nontarget_peer = [x[1:] for x in targs if x[0] == "-"]
self.peers = {}
self.peers_resolved = False
Graph.new_tunnel(name, port)
def addPeer(self, client):
assert not in self.peers
self.peers[] = client
def resolvePeers(self):
pnames = [x for x in self.peers.keys()]
for aname in pnames:
## If target clients are given, skip aname until it's a target
if self.target_peer != ["all"]:
if aname not in self.target_peer:
if self.nontarget_peer != []:
if aname in self.nontarget_peer:
for bname in pnames:
if aname != bname:
peera = self.peers[aname]
peerb = self.peers[bname]
peera.addPeer(, peerb)
peerb.addPeer(, peera)
Graph.new_connection(peera, peerb,, self.listen,
self.target_peer, self.nontarget_peer)
self.peers_resolved = True
def generatePeerConfigs(self, output_dir):
if not self.peers_resolved:
for pname in self.peers:
client_map[pname].generateConfig(, output_dir)
def addClientToTunnel(self, clientname, tunnel_addr):
client_map[clientname].addTunnelToClient(self, tunnel_addr)
class Client:
def __init__(self, name, main_ip, public=False): = name
self.config_map = {} ## multiple tunnels possible
self.main_ip = main_ip
self.is_public = public
def generateKeys(self):
self.private_key = popen("/usr/bin/wg genkey").read().strip()
self.public_key = popen("echo '" + self.private_key + "' | /usr/bin/wg pubkey").read().strip()
def addTunnelToClient(self, tunnel, address_in_tunnel):
assert not in self.config_map
self.config_map[] = {"address": address_in_tunnel,
"interface" : "", "peers": []}
def addPeer(self, tunnelname, peer):
if peer not in self.config_map[tunnelname]["peers"]:
self.config_map[tunnelname]["peers"] += [peer]
def determineSubnetMask(self, tunnelname):
npeers = len(self.config_map[tunnelname]["peers"])
return(31 - floor(log2(npeers + 2)))
def generateConfig(self, tunnelname, output_dir):
self.subnetmask = str(self.determineSubnetMask(tunnelname)) ## for network
tunnel = tunnel_map[tunnelname]
tunnel_addr = self.config_map[tunnelname]["address"] + "/" + self.subnetmask
text = '''
# Name, MainIP = %s, %s
Address = %s
ListenPort = %s
PrivateKey = %s''' % (, self.main_ip, tunnel_addr, tunnel.listen, self.private_key)
if tunnelname in self.config_map:
for peer in self.config_map[tunnelname]["peers"]:
text += '''\n
# Name = %s
PublicKey = %s
AllowedIPs = %s''' % (, peer.public_key, peer.config_map[tunnelname]["address"]+ "/32")
if peer.is_public:
text += "\nEndpoint = %s:%s" % (peer.main_ip, tunnel.listen)
## If stuck behind NAT, then do a keep alive
text += "\nPersistentKeepalive = 60"
dname = output_dir + "/" +
makedirs(dname, exist_ok=True)
with open(dname + "/" + tunnelname + ".conf", "w") as f:
print(text, file=f)
def populateClients():
client_map = {}
## client_map["kaktus"] = Client("kaktus", "", True)
clmap = clients[["MainIP", "Public"]].filter(regex="^[^[]", axis=0)
for index, row in clmap.iterrows():
client_map[] = Client(, row["MainIP"], row["Public"] == "Yes")
def populateTunnels():
tunnel_map = {}
##tunnel_map["wb0"] = Tunnel("wb0", "work area", 58210)
tunnels = clients.loc[:, ~clients.columns.isin(["MainIP", "Public", "Desc"])].filter(regex="^\[", axis=0).T
for index, row in tunnels.iterrows():
tunnel_map[] = Tunnel(, row["[Tunnel]"], row["[Port]"], row["[Target]"])
def addClientsToTunnels():
clmap = clients.loc[:, ~clients.columns.isin(["MainIP", "Public", "Desc"])].filter(regex="^[^[]", axis=0)
## tunnel_map["wb0"].addClientToTunnel("kaktus", "")
list_tunnels = [x for x in clmap.columns]
for index, row in clmap.iterrows():
for tun in list_tunnels:
if type(row[tun]) == str and len(row[tun]) > 1:
tunnel_map[tun].addClientToTunnel(, row[tun])
def generatePeerConfigs():
outdir = "outputs"
## tunnel_map["wb0"].generatePeerConfigs()
makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True)
for tunnel in tunnel_map:
client_map = populateClients()
tunnel_map = populateTunnels()
Check the outputs
tree outputs
outputs |-- alcatraz | |-- ha0.conf | `-- wa0.conf |-- bigbertha | |-- hp0.conf | `-- wa0.conf |-- conker | |-- gs0.conf | `-- wa0.conf |-- dilinger | |-- gs0.conf | `-- ha0.conf |-- echtart | |-- gs0.conf | |-- ha0.conf | `-- hp0.conf |-- frostlos | |-- gs0.conf | `-- ha0.conf `-- gemini `-- ha0.conf 8 directories, 14 files
This part needs to be done outside of emacs. You take every config file, ssh onto your target machine and run:
scp outputs/targetmachine/*.conf targetaddress:/tmp/
ssh targetaddress
sudo su root
## Below as root
mkdir -p /etc/wireguard
cp -v /tmp/*.conf /etc/wireguard
rm /tmp/*.conf
ls /etc/wireguard | xargs -n 1 wg-quick up
## Check status