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Matt Terwilliger edited this page Jan 19, 2018 · 3 revisions

Instructors have the ability to pin requests.

Clicking "Pin" on a request will move the request to a separate "Pinned Requests" section on the top of your queue. Requests pinned by other instructors show up below the general queue in a separate section. To students, requests pinned by any instructor show up at the bottom of the general queue in a separate section.

Example use cases for pin:

  • You spent 10 minutes working with a student who requires a quick follow up. You want to remember to circle back to them. Pin them.
  • You're currently working with a student. You're not ready to mark their request as resolved quite yet, but don't want another instructor to call their name. Pin them.
  • You need to look into something for this student later on, maybe send them an email. Pin them.

Queue Pop and pinned requests:

The Queue Pop button should always resolve the top item on your queue. As pinned requests are displayed above the normal queue, those if any, will be resolved by Queue Pop.


Unpinning a request will return it back to the regular queue, in its original position (ordered by timestamp).