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zAdmin Archiving (starting a new semester)

Matt Terwilliger edited this page Feb 9, 2021 · 1 revision

At the start of a new semester, the maintainer should archive old courses in order to reset the statistics page while preserving data from past semesters.

There is a rake task available to help with this. The task:

  • Duplicates all courses, instructors, and queues.
  • Sets a boolean archived field on the old courses and renames them to a semester input upon invoking the script.

To invoke on the server, switch to deploy user, and run the task in the rails root directory (/w/oh/current). When prompted, enter a single token to describe the semester that is being archived (eg. fa2017, wn2018, sp2018, su2018, ss2018). Finally, confirm the archiving to complete the process.

$ sudo su - deploy
$ cd /w/oh/current/
$ bundle exec rake archive_courses
This script will duplicate and archive all currently active courses to a term you input.
Enter term: fa2018
Archiving eecs398
Confirm? y

Finding archived courses

Archived courses are hidden from the main homepage and available via a small link at the top of the main page. Their behavior is otherwise unaffected.