Example implementation of React server-side rendering on the edge using the Fly runtime.
- The app's preloaded JSON state (e.g. passed to redux) can be rendered on a server that does not understand React or include the V8 engine.
- Component constructors and
cannot use the browser or node.js APIs.
(to be written)
First run web server, then run the edge app on a local Fly runtime.
Defaults to listening on port 3000.
cd web
npm install
npm start
The Fly runtime uses .fly.yml
for configuration. This edge app uses hostname
which is expected to point to the web server. For example, if the web server is
started on localhost:3000
, then the .fly.yml
configuration for hostname should
be - hostname: http://localhost:3000
. Note: installing @fly/fly
will take some
time because of post-install compilation tasks.
cd edge
npm install
npm start
The Fly runtime will automatically look for a port to bind to. The console output will show where the server is listening.
edge/ Fly app that fronts the web server.
web/ Sample web app that pre renders React app and returns HTML.
|- app/ React app.