This is a comprehensive news application developed using Kotlin and Android Studio. The app enables users to view news headlines, search for articles, and manage their favorite articles. It adheres to modern best practices in Android development, employing the MVVM architecture, Room Database for local storage, Retrofit for API interactions, and Dagger Hilt for dependency injection.
- View Headlines: Fetch and display news headlines categorized by country and topic (e.g., business, entertainment, sports).
- Search Functionality: Search for news articles by entering keywords.
- Favorites Management: Save articles to a favorites list for later viewing.
- Offline Storage: Cache articles marked as favorites using Room Database for offline access.
- Error Handling: Gracefully handle errors and provide user feedback.
- Kotlin: Primary programming language for Android development.
- Android Studio: IDE used for building and maintaining the application.
- XML Layouts: Used to create user interface components.
- Retrofit: Type-safe HTTP client for network requests to the news API.
- Room: Persistence library for database management with SQLite backend.
- Dagger Hilt: Dependency injection framework for efficient management of dependencies.
- RecyclerView: For displaying news articles.
- LiveData: For observing and updating the UI.
- Coroutines: For handling asynchronous operations.
The application follows the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture, promoting separation of concerns, making the codebase manageable and testable.
- Model: Data layer for network requests and database operations.
- View: Composed of XML layouts rendering the user interface.
- ViewModel: Bridges the View and Model, holding UI-related data and managing user interactions.
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