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Cub3D - A Project based on first person shooting 3D game which was developed in 1992.

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/* ************************************************************************** */
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/*                                                        :::      ::::::::   */
/*   cub3d                                              :+:      :+:    :+:   */
/*                                                    +:+ +:+         +:+     */
/*   By: makhtar <>    +#+  +:+       +#+        */
/*   By: hawadh <>    +#+#+#+#+#+   +#+           */
/*   Created: 2022/06/21 17:31:03 by makhtar           #+#    #+#             */
/*   Created: 2022/06/21 17:31:31 by hawadh           ###       */
/*                                                                            */
/* ************************************************************************** */


  1. HA: Segfaul in get_next_line(); due to ft_strchr(); in libft
  2. HA: Function parses whole file, should stop at first line of map
  3. HA: Leak in extract_file(); line #26
  4. HA: Segfault when moving mouse in window in function mlx_mouse_get_pos(); in function draw_cursor();
  5. HA: Crosshair was not drawing
  6. HA: Map printed with extra spaces
  7. HA: Memory leak in parse_layout(); in my function store_confg_map(); line #47
  8. MAK: Parser returning invalid map on checking walls if any 0 is present, line #13 in file.cub
  9. HA: xpm file opening failing
  10. HA: On full screen, pause causes window to turn red if window resized to full screen
  11. HA: Parser function check_tabs(); had issue with iteration (Did I write this late night?) where i = -1 and while (++i > 0)
  12. HA: in add_xpm(); image not placing in only Blue
  13. HA: Map not redrawing on clearing window when hitting pause button a second time
  14. HA: Minimap skipping areas and not drawing in walls
  15. HA: Minimap not drawing walls when player is closer to TOP side of array
  16. HA: Walls not drawing in correct position of window
  17. MAK: Walls not drawing in correct distance, it is drawing as inversed distance.
  18. MAK: Check if bugs are present when have 1920 rays for walls.
  19. MAK: Parse spaces for the map.
  20. ***MAK && HA:***Fish Eye fixed.
  21. MAK: Given directions of all the sides of the wall in the game with direction.c, function named wall_hit_direction.
  22. MAK && HA: When the game starts the position of player is different than playing the game, even with the pause function- the player is somewhere else in the map not when in his latest position. Need to be fixed. Probably the init_rays function is not functioning it properly.
  23. HA && MAK: Bug, NO, SO, EA, WE can be in any order, our parser fails it.
  24. MAK && HA: Map should not contain any spaces within the map. Spaces in the middle of the map with 1's and 0's should be invalid? Need to confirm this.
  25. HA: add_xpm(); still not incrementing y in correct increments to draw walls
  26. HA: Mouse not being released on hitting pause
  27. HA: Minimap jumping and resetting when approaching 0 index on both x and y.
  28. HA: Parsing for newlines etc; between map lines not working.
  29. HA: Parsing of 0 on right side of map not function for borders
  30. MAK: Player jumps into wall when increase speed by hitting left shift.
  31. HA: Double free in store_data();


  1. HA: Incorprate get_next_line(); in ft_reading();
  2. HA: Refactor isdir(); and double check project for forbidden functions
  3. HA: Parse and store map and config in separate 2D array for each
  4. HA: Figure out how to separate map from configurations
  5. HA: Add make vg rule in Makefile for debugging
  6. HA: Debug segfault in get_size(); due to
  7. HA: Double check space stripping in squash
  8. MAK: Declare a new structure to fetch the info and place it in the main root of the structure which will work on every aspect of the program.
  9. HA: Study Raycasting
  10. HA: Discuss images to be used with MA
  11. HA: Figure out correct drawing and following of mouse cursor
  12. MAK: Take xpm files and read it to check if the file reading is working perfectly or not.
  13. MAK: Time for raycasting math to solve.
  14. HA: Draw interior of minimap
  15. HA: Figure out hook management for hook_num 46, see comments in utils_hooks.c
  16. HA: Figure out what is the event that detects clicking on window edges
  17. HA: Figure out XPM image for pause in center of screen and implement removal
  18. HA: Correctly implement # 14
  19. HA: Fix minimap drawing to draw when player is closer to left side of array coords, possibly due coords calculation making coords negative and invalid read
  20. HA: Fix walls drawing in wrong position of image, perhaps because ra->y not correct value. X is also not increment in correct amount.
  21. HA && MAK: Figure out solution to fish-eye effect.
  22. MAK: Implement edge cases for the rays.
  23. MAK: Need to work on fixing the directions of the rays when hits the wall.
  24. MAK: Raycasting is optimised with DDA Algorithm
  25. MAK: Animation effect when the AK-47 is triggered.
  26. HA: Figure out y step increments
  27. MAK: Work on sprites when rays will hit.
  28. MAK: Work on the management of sprites.
  29. MAK: Have character types for different types of sprites like D for Door, F for fire, B for barrel, etc.
  30. HA: Refactor minimap drawing in utils_minimap.c see mini_interior(); on branch hawadh-minimap.
  31. MAK: Finished working on the parsing for doors.
  32. MAK: Allocate structure for the doors and put xpm addresses in the sprites structures when the wall hits.
  33. MAK: Working on Integration for the doors.
  34. HA: Minimap not drawing EA/WE facing doors correctly. Need to adjust drawing depending on walls surrounding.
  35. HA: Resize minimap dimensions and values. Reduce them by half MINI_DIM 90.
  36. HA: Fix map file parsing, map does not fail if newlines or any whitespace between map lines.
  37. MAK: Add rotation to minimap player model.
  38. MAK: Minimap Door Integration.
  39. MAK: Norm fix for some files.
  40. HA: Norm fix for mini_map.c function mini_interior();
  41. HA: Parse for any lines before first element in file.


HA: 25 Nov 2022

  1. New files to split functions parse_file.c, errors.c, parse_file.c
  2. Added .gitignore
  3. Created new Function err_return(); to exit status 1 with correct error message
  4. Added get_next_line(); and minilibx_opengl
  5. Added debugger files to run debugger
  6. Refactored function ft_reading(); and, now static init();
  7. New functions get_size(); to get number of lines in file in utils_parse.c
  8. New struct pointer in t_info called t_data
  9. New function static extract_data(); to extract data from file and store in a 2D array
  10. Added my libft function ft_strchr(); to cub3d libft
  11. Added new function ft_ptrptrlen(); to our libft returns 2D array size
  12. Added new function ft_isspace(); to our libft, if ascii whitespace return TRUE
  13. New function clean_file(); in new file utils_file.c to clean file input
  14. Helper functions for above squash(); and count_str_size();. Squash removes all excess whitespaces in line and count_str_size(); returns correct str size without excess white spaces
  15. New function called free_split(); to free 2D arrays in new file memory_mngmnt.c
  16. Parsing Configurations almost complete, see TODO #4
  17. Moved function get_act_size(); to file utils_parse.c
  18. New file utils_file_ext.c with functions **squash_lines(); and, new function, `check_line(); to only clean file up to last line not including map to be left for parsing.
  19. Cleaning file complete.
  20. make vg rule added, see Makefile
  21. Leak found and fixed in clean_whitespaces(); was missing a pointer
  22. Added new function to libft: ft_strrmc(); removes char c from array
  23. Uncomment of MLX related lines in Makefile, MLX now functional in Program
  24. mlx_loop(); now called in function init();
  25. Window now initialised and opening, by adding function calls mlx_new_window(); in main.c function init();
  26. Two new files, window.c for window functions and utils_hooks.c for key hook utilities
  27. Calling mlx_key_hook(); int init(); that calls new function key_hook_manage(); which currently only handles ESC
  28. New function esc_win(); which calls free_data(); and exit(0);, this function handles both (x) and esc
  29. Calling mlx_hook(); in init(); to handle above (x)
  30. Two new functions in window.c to initialise and store window + image address, init_window(); and get_img_addr();
  31. New file draw.c contains 2 new functions draw_cursor(); and my_pixel_put();
  32. Function draw cursor calls MLX function mlx_mouse_get_pos(); to get mouse position for cursor drawing WIP
  33. Updated memory_mngmnt.c with 3 new free_struct_???(); functions one for each struct and struct members
  34. Added error message ERROR: Minilibx Failure for any failure from minilibx functions
  35. Added print loop in check_map(); to print file contents after cleaning and parsing
  36. Refactored draw_cursor(); and new function init_mouse(); in new file mouse.c
  37. New file hooks.c to contain new function hook_management(); to hold all mlx_hook(); calls
  38. Refactored draw_cursor(); and new function mouse_move(); calls init_cursor(); from within hook_management();
  39. Moved mlx_loop(); to window.c called in function init_window();
  40. Refactored init_cursor(); now draws half cursor in centre of screen
  41. New file rgb.c with new function rgb(); to calculate colours for roof and ceiling.
  42. Three new functions in new file utils_draw.c to draw roof and ceiling colours draw_ceiling(); and draw_floor(); called from function ceiling_floor();
  43. New function draw_map(); called in init_window(); in draw.c to draw currently contains ceiling_floor(); -> to draw ceiling and floor, and init_cursor(); -> to redraw cursor
  44. New file mini_map.c contains 3 functions to draw minimap border and interior see TODO #14, functions named draw_minimap(); mini_bottom_top(); mini_interior();
  45. Minimap drawn in top left corner, Missing interior
  46. Downloaded some xpm images and added window control flags to MLX library
  47. Removed fullscreen flag from mlx_new_window.m flag is NSWindowStyleMaskFullScreen;
  48. Buttom m on keyboard stops mouse capture and releases mouse
  49. Added mlx_string_put(); function from old MLX to current MLX library, and updated mlx.h
  50. New function check_tabs(); called in squash_lines(); replaces all tabs to 4 spaces within the map only in file utils_file_ext.c
  51. New function to mimic ft_strlen(); but adds +4 to the count for each tab found
  52. Bug #6 Fixed, was due invalid write due to incorrect calculation in get_tab_size();
  53. Added xpm_images/ file with sample xpm images to discuss
  54. New Function init_xpm(); to init and store all xpm images placed in window.c
  55. New function in parse_layout.c called store_map(); & **map of data->file
  56. New function confg_count(); to count number of lines for data->confg & data->map in parse_layout();
  57. Added Loading and implementation fo Pause Message on hitting 'm' hook number 64 in key_hook_manage();, yet to implement removal of Pause Message
  58. Fixed leak in store_map(); line 47, due starting iteration at i = -1; solution was to increment i before check data->file[i] in while (++i < len && data->file[i])
  59. Deleted unnecessary file utils_parse_ext.c
  60. Moved function call parse_arg(); to function check_map(); as clean-up of main.c
  61. Added error message status == 5 in errors.c for XPM Image loading failure
  62. Added parameter t_info *info to function prototype void err_return(int status, t_info *info); and sending in t_info *info to all occuring function calls to free any allocated data within the structure in case of any error returns before exit
  63. New function store_confg_map(); which stores the map and the confg in their respective 2D Arrays
  64. New File utils_xpm.c to hold all xpm related functions
  65. Renamed xpm_images/ to imgs/
  66. New Function init_minimap(); called in init_window(); inits memory for t_mini structure to be used for initialising a new image for minimap and calling mlx_get_data_addr(); to place image in main window for faster redrawing of minimap
  67. Due to above, draw_minimap(); completely refactored now only 1 function called within mini_interior(); to draw interior
  68. New Custom pixel_put(); function for mini map called mini_pixel_put(); uses t_mini *mini as struct pointer
  69. Added new error message and status to err_return();, and removed print of d->confg from check_map();
  70. New function prints layout content in parse_layout(); called print_xpm();
  71. Refactored check_tabs(); and squash_lines(); to reduce number of lines and fix extra removal of character from check_tabs();, squash_lines(); now has 2 additional else if statements
  72. Changed position of PAUSE image in window within function key_hook_manage(); line #44
  73. New file utils_xpm.c with function opem_xpm(); uses mlx_xpm_file_to_image(); to open all xpm images and store in data->confg called in init_xpm();
  74. Added && i < len line #39 in open_xpm(); to fix bug #9
  75. Added new function free_struct_mini(); in memory_mngmnt.c to free struct t_mini and it's contents
  76. New File utils_mini_map.c
  77. New Struct s_player to save all player related data, also new function, draw_player_walls(); to extract player position and future drawing of minimap in mini_interior(); with 2 functions find_player_array(); for Y and find_player_index(); for X while also extracting Perspective
  78. Bug fix #11
  79. New function added to libft ft_ismapicon(); to detect if character in string is a valid map character, now called in check_if_map();
  80. New Approved map walls xpm images
  81. Implemented Colour bit Masking, and renamed file utils_mini_map.c into player.c and renamed function draw_walls_player(); to init_player
  82. New function in window.c called init_all();, calls all init?????(); functions before drawing and pushing to window`
  83. Refactored open_xpm(); and new function get_xpm_addr(); to extract addresses of each xpm file for later use in merging with main image
  84. Added # define WIDTH 1920 and # define HEIGHT 1080 in cub.h
  85. New Struct s_xpm in array to contain all image data, with new Enum to contain NO, SO, WE, EA
  86. Added free for data->xpm struct in memory_mngmnt.c and moved free_split(); to new utils_memory_mngmnt.c
  87. Two new Functions in draw.c called place_xpm(); and add_xpm();; Function place_xpm(); to determine initial player orientation, and add_xpm(); draws the image to main image address
  88. New Pause button 'p' == hook_num 35
  89. Implemented correct method of adding xpm address to img
  90. Added mlx_clear_window(); for pause removal. See bug #13
  91. New Variable xpm->divisible to determine size of walls
  92. New function to hold Pause code handle_pause(); located in utils_hooks.c
  93. Refactored add_xpm(); with correct iteration of image char *, still not drawing correctly
  94. Started mini map drawing, see mini_map.c and file utils_mini_math.c renamed to utils_minimap.c
  95. New XPM image implemented Ak47.xpm for weapon, and new images for NO SO WE EA
  96. Buf #12 FIXED, now correctly implementing copying of image pixels with colours to main image window via char *, also added wi - 4 && hi - 4 to avoid invalid read within images
  97. Currently working on and implementing of drawing interior contents of minimap, with 2 new functions, draw_mini_player(); which draws player in centre of minimap (Currently white square also drawn around to figure out scaling) and draw_mini_walls(); to attempt to draw walls in respective positions in the minimap.
  98. Changed size of minimap image from 260x185 to 185x185 and moved function mini_interior(); to utils_minimap.c
  99. Added new # define MINI_SCALE 29 for minimap scaling and new variable data->gun
  100. New Wall images Implemented
  101. Attempting new algorithm in mini_interior(); WIP
  102. Removed TRUE FALSE from cub.h since it already exists in libft.h
  103. Minimap fully functional, refactored mini_intrior(); and 2 new functions draw_mini_enemy(); and temporary function draw_square(); for scaling testing confirmation
  104. Moved function draw_mini_player(); and draw_square();
  105. Added acceptable character in valid_key(); in parse_map.c character 'm' for enemies, line #32 -> #33
  106. Refactored scaling and sizes of mini-map drawing to fit player and map exact centre in minimap
  107. Swapped EA and NO walls images
  108. New function find_player(); in player.c to find player position in map array, Function is NOT STATIC so it can be recalled with each iteration to redraw mini-map, added function call in draw.c draw_map();
  109. WIP free xpm struct array in memory_mngmnt.c and new test map zmap.cub
  110. Refactored place_walls() in draw.c now takes angle and draws wall texture accordingly.
  111. Added if (x == 0){ x = ray.x; } in moves.c line #244 and added place walls call line #251 along with x = 0 line #255`
  112. Added correct values for ra->ang comparison with int * RADIAN with two separate conditions for east
  113. Made short loop for while (x < ray.x1 (ray.x1 == 0 && x == 0)) with a call place_walls(); and made ray.x1 += 16.1 increments
  114. Walls now drawing in correct width and height, but see bug #17
  115. Removed Variable xpm->divisible as is no longer needed.
  116. Refactored line #208 in moves.c for height calculation.
  117. New function called linux_osx_mouse(); lines #88 && #95 in mouse.c function placed in linux_osx_mouse.c
  118. Line #37 in draw.c to now make y = (HEIGHT / 2) - (ray>height / 2);
  119. Implemented ifeq and else in Makefile to determine OSX or Linux lines #40 -> `#50'.
  120. New file linux_osx_mouse.c calls mouse functions depending on OSX or Linux.
  121. Changed all values within ray.c to RAYS as defined to ease change.
  122. Attempting new method of calculating x and y positions in XPM file and xpm_y iteration in draw.c add_xpm();
  123. Removed unused variables in init_rays(); and wall_ht_direction();
  124. Added #ifdef OSX, #ifdef LINUX in cub.h to ease transition between OSX and Linux.
  125. New function in utils_math.c called euclidean(); called in rays.c line #79 to calculate real distance from player view plane
  126. Added free(info->mlx); in memory_mngment.c lines #100 -> #104
  127. xpm_x = ray->y * xpm->wi to extract x coordinate on texture, still need step incrementation for y
  128. Adjust conditions for while loop in draw.c current lines #40 and #43 and changed y value calculation to y = (HEIGHT - ray->height) / 2; to get correct wall height drawing.
  129. Implemented if (ray->dir_wall == 1 || ray->dir_wall == 2) { xpm_x = ray->x * xpm->wi; } in draw.c current lines #38 -> #39
  130. Fixed issue with mouse not being released on hitting pause, by implementing int status in function parameter linux_osx_mouse(t_info *info, int x, int y, int status) to only trigger mouse move when pause flag is triggered.
  131. Muazzam gave calculation step = ((xpm->hi * xpm->wi) / ray->dist) / ray->height; implemented in draw.c in current line #46, step was placed in xpm->addr[]
  132. Branched from main to hawadh-minimap branch & refactoring minimap drawing algorithm.
  133. Implemented # define NUM_SPRITES in cub.h to auto increase allocation for t_xpm *xpm to add any new sprites to structures.
  134. Check comments for utils_math.c utils_minimap.c utils_xpm.c
  135. New file utils_minimap_ext.c with two new functions x_y_values(); & mini_img_limit(); called in utils_minimap.c in function mini_interior();
  136. New Function x_y_values(); returns values of either x or y depending on whether index values are negative. Returns the values with calculation of scale for offset in minimap.
  137. New Function mini_img_limit(); checks if y or x value has reached the loop limit to decide to continue or exit.
  138. New function assign_index_values(); placed in file utils_minimap_ext.c returns index value depending if index calculated via input parameter and returns necessary value.
  139. Renamed door1.xpm to door.xpm and resized all wall images to 1920x1080.
  140. Adjust player drawing size in mini_map.c to draw smaller player.
  141. New #define MINI_DIM variable for minimap dimensions in cub.h and replaced all values in mini map functions that determined map dimensions.
  142. New function in utils_minimap.c draw_mini_interior()` to determine which map icon was detected to draw.
  143. New #define NUM_SPRITES in cub.h to adjust memory allocation for t_xpm* when necessary as number of sprites increment.
  144. New function in utils_minimap.c called draw_mini_doors(); WIP (NEEDS NORMINETTING) to draw doors on minimap.
  145. Removed p_ang from get_height(); parameters in utils_math.c and all get_height(); function calls input.
  146. Added call err_return(); with error status == 3 in file utils_door.c to call error for invalid doors location.
  147. Finalised drawing of walls in minimap with two new functions draw_mini_doors_horizontal(); and draw_mini_doors_vertical(); separated due to different x_one and y_one values required. Functions placed in utils_minimap_ext.c
  148. Added MINI_DIM variables in all draw_mini_player(); values to make change of minimap size more streamlined in file mini_map.c.
  149. Renamed function draw_mini_enemy(); in utils_minimap.c to draw_mini_sprite();
  150. Refactored x_y_values(); in utils_minimap_ext.c to calculate correct x & y values.
  151. Moved squash_lines(); to parse_file.c & now sending t_info *info to store_data(); in utils_file.c
  152. New function in parse_layout.c called hceck_map_config_lines(); called from check_map_lines(); in utils_file_ext.c
  153. Fixed parsing issue with any new lines or empty spaces between map lines. See #151 -> #152.
  154. Removed unused function in directions.c called print_map(char **str);.
  155. Refactored rgb_door_status(); in utils_minimap_ext.c now calls get_door(); from hooks.c to check if door status in t_doors* structure array.
  156. Removed function rgb_door_status(); and no longer checking door status.
  157. Fixed double free() in store_data(); in utils_file.c was attempting to free 2D array when only the main array was allocated.
  158. Fixed norm issues in check_config_map(); in file utils_file_ext.c now calls function check_config_lines() placed in new file utils_line_check.c.
  159. Removed utils_sprite.c completely & removed key_sprite();.
  160. Moved function valid_key(); from parse_map.c to utils_parse.c.
  161. New function free_more(); placed in utils_memory_mngmnt.c called in free_data(); to reduce number of lines.
  162. Moved free_gun(); to utils_memory_mngmnt.c && removed function name working_sprite(); from cub.h as not used anywhere.
  163. Removed function draw_mini_sprites(); as it is not in use from utils_minimap.c.
  164. Added empty line check in utils_file_ext.c in two functions check_map_lines(); && check_config_map(); to detect any non-empty lines between elements that contain only whitespaces other than a newline.
  165. Fixed norm issue in minimap.c in function mini_interior(); by creating new function to call x_y_values(); and extract_decimal() for x and y values, function is called get_values(); placed in utils_minimap.c.
  166. Added 20 more to ang_iter in mini_rot() in file mini_map_rot.c to make view cone longer in minimap, and changed colour value from 0x00FF0000 to 0x00A0F0F0.
  167. Added *map_icon == 'O' to draw_mini_interior(); in utils_minimap.c and changed input for draw_mini_doors_*(t_info *info, int x, int y, >>char *map_icon<<); to send *map_icon to draw correct door colour.
  168. Refactored check_open(); in utils_minimap_ext.c to take char *map_icon as parameter from draw_mini_interior();. Function now return green only if *map_icon == 'O' else it returns red. Function check_open(); is called in draw_mini_doors_*(); in the position of rgb of mini_pixel_put();
  169. Added check in squash_line(); if (i == 0 && check_line()) to clean and return error if any lines before config at the begining of the file as it is invalid.
  170. Added t_info *info parameter to squash_lines(); to call err_return(); for cleanup before exit.
  171. Added comments to some functions in doors.c && draw.c && utils_xpm.c && parse_layout.c.
  172. Added bool condition in if, if else && else statements in function xpm_store(); in file config_xpm.c to check if data already exists in case of duplicates to fix memory leak.
  173. Fix for xpm_store(); now compares with empty string.
  174. Refactored data_init(); to now loop through data->confg 2D array to set each element as NULL to avoid future invalid reads and leaks and changed back to bool condition for HA:#172.
  175. Added ASCII art and credits to Makefile.
  176. Added comments to functions in angle.c && memory_mngmnt.c && utils_memory_mngnmnt.c.

MAK: 4 July 2022

  1. Parsing for different types of layout is finished. Memory leaks, and norms are done.
  2. For better reference please read the comments to know what is the structure for parser.
  3. Changed char to const char in ft_strcmp.
  4. Updated crosshair with green line and minimal size of the crosshair.
  5. Updated parsing function to fetch the values based on the requirements like path to different xpm files, colours given based on RGB combination for floor and ceilings.
  6. Updated Crosshair
  7. Rotations are done.
  8. Movements of the player are functioning perfectly.
  9. Given the field of view as 70 degree and number of rays are 1920.
  10. With the Help of shooting rays, we have the height formula given the distance of the rays when hits the wall.
  11. Iteration of each ray in X-coordinate is 1 and the angle iteration is 0.000636318 in radian.
  12. The project is functioning perfectly in MAC and Linux OS.
  13. Created New Basic Movements which can have the basic functions of the player- movements and rotation.
  14. Created New File rays.c which can initialise rays and work on the calculations.
  15. Created New file edge-cases.c which can hold the account of the scenario if the free path is in the middle of the walls.
  16. Created a new structure t_str which can help us in the iteration of the parsing of the map.
  17. Created New file parse_spaces.The function will help us to check if there is a space at any index of the map, then there should be either the wall or the space else it will throw an error.
  18. Created New file utils_math.c to store the function sq and dist.
  19. Created New file utils_str.c since the function ptrptrlen and strlen returns the values in size_t, we needed the same function but to return as an int to avoid memory leaks in parsing. So the names are get_2d_len, ft_strlen_int.
  20. Finished working on Fish eye effect.
  21. Finished working on the edge cases.
  22. Created a new function get_height which does the formula and revise it if it exceeds the window.
  23. Created a new file directions.c and added a function named wall_hit_direction which gives the direction of all the sides of the wall.
  24. Edited some codes in draw.c which can link it with the wall_hit_direction to give a better clarity to the game.
  25. Created a new Function Euclidean which handles the functions for right angle triangle for different rays.
  26. Parsing for different orders of the layout is completed.
  27. Created a new file named utils_type and inside created new functions which are linked in this way- NO 1, SO 2, WE 3, EA 4, C 5, F 6, with any type of input I get the value as string or an int.
  28. Created a new Folder named Raycasting Algorithm which contains a text document. For to post it on how the collaboration was as a team and what we have developed in cub3D.
  29. Created new files sprite.c, utils_sprite.c. Working on the management of sprites- parsing in rays, allocation for structure of sprites and more.
  30. Created an animation effect for AK-47.
  31. Finished Parsing for the doors.
  32. Finished allocations for the sprites.
  33. Parsing for Duplicates and rgb with commas are done.
  34. Got the door integration for the map.
  35. Added a new function for freeing the configuration data. Using if statements for each and every index of the 2d array if the memory exists and freeing it if it exists.The function is called from free_struct_data -> free_config(data->cong)
  36. Moved #35 to utils_memory_management.


Cub3D - A Project based on first person shooting 3D game which was developed in 1992.







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