test post please ignore
![Example plot](http://raw.github.com/mueslo/KerbalPlot/master/optimalengine_Minmus, Bop_p=0.0_nmax=inf_mintwr=0.07.png) ![Example plot](http://raw.github.com/mueslo/KerbalPlot/master/optimalengine_Moho, Vall_p=0.0_nmax=inf_mintwr=0.35.png) ![Example plot](http://raw.github.com/mueslo/KerbalPlot/master/optimalengine_Mun, Eeloo, Ike_p=0.0_nmax=inf_mintwr=0.22.png)
Plots optimal engine for each delta-V/Payload mass configuration, among a few other things.
Windows Download: here Linux: you know what to do, install the relevant python packages and just start the script
Current Limitations:
- Cannot mix engine types.
- Assumes that fuel tanks have zero dry weight and are infinitely divisible (so look for a correspondingly larger payload mass).
(Not sure if this warrants implementing, a good rocket design ditches empty fuel tanks as soon as possible, so the truth lies somewhere between the two approaches anyway)
- Custom plots (see plugins.py for details)
- Fun times and psychedelic colours
- Python 2.7
- Matplotlib
- Numpy