| Admin Panel Features | Requirements | Install | How to setting | API Docs | License |
Description Admin Create user and manage the user's role. Categories Manage about all categories. Books Manage all type of the books. Orders Manage about all orders. Profile Edit user's profile and password.
PHP = ^7.4
laravel = ^7.0
laravel/sanctum = ^2.15
laravel/ui = ^2.1
kavist/rajaongkir = ^1.1
midtrans/midtrans-php = ^2.5
Clone repo
git clone https://github.com/muhammadhabibfery/LaraBooks-API.git
Install Composer
composer update/install
composer install
Install Nodejs
NPM dependencies
npm install
Using Laravel Mix
npm run dev
Go into .env file change Database and Email credentials. Then setup the rajaongkir and midtrans configuration with your own credentials
MIDTRANS_3DS = true|false
Run the migration
php artisan migrate
Or run the migration with seeder if you want seeding the related data
php artisan migrate --seed
Generate a New Application Key
php artisan key:generate
Create a symbolic link
php artisan storage:link
Complete REST API Documentation can be found here
Copyright (C) 2023 Muhammad Habib Fery.
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