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mBONITA: multi-omics Boolean Omics Network Invariant-Time Analysis


Mukta G. Palshikar, Xiaojun Min, Alexander Crystal, Jiayue Meng, Shannon P. Hilchey, Martin Zand, Juilee Thakar


Multi-omics profiling provides a holistic picture of a condition being examined and captures the complexity of signaling events, beginning from the original cause (environmental or genetic), to downstream functional changes at multiple molecular layers. Pathway enrichment analysis has been used with multi-omics datasets to characterize signaling mechanisms. However, technical and biological variability between these layered datasets are challenges for integrative computational analyses. We present a Boolean network-based method, multi-omics Boolean Omics Network Invariant-Time Analysis (mBONITA) to integrate omics datasets that quantify multiple molecular layers. mBONITA utilizes prior knowledge networks to perform topology-based pathway analysis. In addition, mBONITA identifies genes that are consistently modulated across molecular measurements by combining observed fold-changes and variance with a measure of node (i.e., gene or protein) influence over signaling, and a measure of the strength of evidence for that gene across datasets. We used mBONITA to integrate multi-omics datasets from RAMOS B cells treated with the immunosuppressant drug cyclosporine A under varying $O_2$ tensions to identify pathways involved in hypoxia-mediated chemotaxis. We compare mBONITA's performance with 6 other pathway analysis methods designed for multi-omics data and show that mBONITA identifies a set of pathways with evidence of modulation across all omics layers. mBONITA is freely available at

Graphical abstract - Light mode Graphical abstract - Light mode

mBONITA tutorial


The mBONITA tool is written in Python3 and C. I strongly recommend that mBONITA be run on a computing cluster such as the University of Rochester's BlueHive, and that jobs are submitted using a scheduler such as SLURM. Dependencies are listed in the conda environment file BONITA.yml.

Minor caveat - mBONITA is not a Python package like numpy or scipy, which allow users to import individual functions and (re)use them in custom code. mBONITA is an all-in-one pipeline that doesn't allow function import or much customization beyond the pre-specified parameters. I welcome advanced users to modify code and submit pull requests, but this is beyond what most users will need.

mBONITA requires the following inputs (see Step 0 below):

  • A pre-preprocessed multi-omics dataset from matched samples, prepared in a combined matrix format as in (link to Python notebook here)
  • A conditions file in matrix format, which specfies the experimental conditions for each sample in the training dataset above
  • A contrast file that specifies which pairs of experimental conditions are to be compared during pathway analysis

to perform the following tasks:

  • Download and prepare KEGG pathways for pathway analysis (Step 1)
  • Infer Boolean regulatory/signaling rules for KEGG pathways using the combined multi-omics dataset (Step 2)
  • Perform topology-informed pathway analysis for user-specified pairs of experimental conditions (Step 3)

This tutorial will go through the mBONITA pipeline using a multi-omics dataset of transcriptomics, proteomics, and phosphoproteomics from RAMOS B cells, as described in the mBONITA publication, as well as a toy example in the mBONITA tutorial folder.


  • As stated above, mBONITA is designed for use with Linux-based high-performance computing systems, such as the computing clusters available at most academic institutions. We reiterate that these installation instructions may vary slightly between such systems, and the currently provided SLURM scripts will need to be rewritten if your system uses a different scheduling system. Even if your system uses SLURM, we strongly recommend checking the provided SLURM scripts and changing the sbatch parameters and module names as necessary. While this should be relatively simple, we are happy to assist with this. There's no real reason one can't modify mBONITA to runon a Windows system, however, we haven't tested this functionality and this will require a bit of rewriting of mBONITA's C components.
  • Click on the green 'Code' button at the top of this GitHub page and download the mBONITA github repository using the 'Download ZIP' or 'Open in GitHub Desktop' options. If using the 'Download ZIP' option, make sure that you have unzipped the folder before proceeding.
  • Transfer your data files (see Step 0 below for details) to the folder labeled 'mBONITA module'. This will be the working directory for all your experiments/analysis.
  • mBONITA requires the C compiler gcc on Linux.
  • Install the required Python packages into a conda environment using the provided conda environment file BONITA.yml or, alternatively, manually install the list of dependencies in that file. We refer users to the conda documentation, but here's an example command that creates the BONITA environment referred to in our SLURM scripts:
conda env create -f BONITA.yml

conda activate BONITA
  • Run all commands in a terminal window. You will need Python and your C compiler in your PATH variable. Once again, make sure that you are in the correct working directory.
  • The mBONITA module folder contains the processed transcriptomics, proteomics and phosphoproteomics datasets used in the paper. The original datasets may be downloaded from GEO and PRIDE (refer to manuscript for accession numbers). We have provided the file concatenated_datasets.csv, which is a combination of the files bonita_transcriptomics.csv, bonita_proteomics.csv and bonita_phosphoproteomics.csv, as the training dataset for the tutorial below. The corresponding contrasts file contrasts.csv and conditions file concatenated_conditions.csv are also in the folder.
  • The tutorial files folder contains a toy example dataset test_input_data.txt and network test_network.graphml. These can be used to try the mBONITA pipeline out, although I don't suggest treating these results as anything other than a proof of bare-minimum function. If you're using this tutorial, please use the python files in this folder only - there are some tiny modifications to allow for the fact that the tutorial rule inference does not have five iterations.

Step 0: Process multi-omics data and generate conditions and contrast files

I expect that most users will begin with 2 or more processed datasets from separate multi-omics datasets. These datasets will usually be log2-normalized. The Jupyter notebook Figure1.ipynb outlines how to combine log2-normalized proteomics, phosphoproteomics and transcriptomics datasets as in the mBONITA publication and prepare them in a matrix format for mBONITA.

mBONITA also requires a condition and contrast file for pathway analysis. An example of how to prepare these files is in Figure1.ipynb.

Briefly, if your dataset looks something like this (a real-life example is concatenated_datasets.csv:

Genes Condition1_ replicate1_ proteomics Condition1_ replicate2_ proteomics Condition2_ replicate1_ proteomics Condition2_ replicate2_ proteomics Condition1_ replicate1_ phospho proteomics Condition1_ replicate2_ phospho proteomics Condition2_ replicate1_ phospho proteomics Condition2_ replicate2_ phospho proteomics
Gene1 - - - - - - - -
Gene2 - - - - - - - -
Gene3 - - - - - - - -
Gene4 - - - - - - - -

Then your condition file will look like this (Example: concatenated_conditions.csv):

Sample Condition Dataset
Condition1_replicate1_proteomics Condition1 Proteomics
Condition1_replicate2_proteomics Condition1 Proteomics
Condition2_replicate1_proteomics Condition2 Proteomics
Condition2_replicate2_proteomics Condition2 Proteomics
Condition1_replicate1_phosphoproteomics Condition1 Phosphoproteomics
Condition1_replicate2_phosphoproteomics Condition1 Phosphoproteomics
Condition2_replicate1_phosphoproteomics Condition2 Phosphoproteomics
Condition2_replicate2_phosphoproteomics Condition2 Phosphoproteomics

And your contrast file will look like this (Example: contrasts.csv):

| Condition1 | Condition2 |

Step 1: Download and prepare KEGG pathways for pathway analysis

Ensure that you are in the same working directory as all files associated with the mBONITA module.

Then compile the portions of mBONITA written in C by typing the following into your terminal.


Use the command python3 --help for more information on each parameter. The examples below cover most use cases.

  • Option 1: On a gmt of human pathways mBONITA needs omics data, gmt file, and an indication of what character is used to separate columns in the file

comma separated

python -gmt Your_gmt_file -sep , --data Your_omics_data

tab separated

python -t -gmt Your_gmt_file --data Your_omics_data

  • Option 2: On all KEGG pathways for any organism mBONITA needs omics data, organism code, and an indication of what character is used to separate columns in the file.

comma separated, human: MOST COMMON USAGE

python -org hsa -sep , --data Your_omics_data

comma separated, mouse

python -org mmu -sep , --data Your_omics_data

tab separated:

python -sep , -org hsa --data Your_omics_data

  • Option 3: On a list of KEGG pathways for any organism mBONITA needs omics data, organism code, the list of pathways, and an indication of what character is used to separate columns in the file.

The pathway list should be a plain-text file formatted like so. The codes are KEGG network codes (Example: and hsa stands for Homo sapiens.


comma separated, human

python -org hsa -sep , -paths Your_pathway_list --data Your_omics_data

comma separated, mouse

python -org mmu -sep , -paths Your_pathway_list --data Your_omics_data

tab separated # NOTE THE DIFFERENT SPECIFICATION OF THE SEPARATOR (uses -t instead of --sep)

python -t -org Your_org_code -paths Your_pathway_list --data Your_omics_data

  • Option 4: On a custom network in graphml format mBONITA needs omics data, the path to the custom network, and an indication of what character is used to separate columns in the file.

Note that the default value for the customNetwork parameter is the string False. Any other value will trigger a search for a network with that name.

comma separated, custom network 'network.graphml'

python --sep , --data Your_omics_data --customNetwork network.graphml

If following along with the example/tutorial files in the tutorial folder:

Run the following command in the terminal

python --sep , --data test_input_data.txt --customNetwork test_network.graphml -t

You will see the output:

Please provide either a specific organism for which all of KEGG should be searched using "-org" or specify a gmt of specific human pathways using "paths"
Using the custom network test_network.graphml
['A', 'D', 'B', 'E', 'F', 'C', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J']
('nodes: ', '10', ',   edges:', '28')

A number of files will be generated:

  • sss.pickle: dictionary with samples and corresponding data
  • test_network.gpickle: processed graph
  • test_network_sss.pickle: data corresponding to nodes in the network

If following along with the real-life data files used in the manuscript and listed above:

Run the SLURM script to run the mBONITA pipeline for all KEGG pathways that overlap with concatenated_datasets.csv.


which contains the command:

python -sep , -org "hsa" --data "concatenated_conditions.csv"

Step 2: Infer Boolean regulatory/signaling rules and calculate node importance scores for KEGG pathways using the combined multi-omics dataset

Simply run the script which will automatically submit appropriate jobs to a SLURM queue:


Please note that these scripts are written for SLURM. loops over all networks to execute the script, which in turn executes the Python script I'm open to writing these scripts for other job scheduling managers. The Python script can also be run by itself on a desktop, but I advise doing this only for small networks/training datasets.

If following along with the real-life data files listed above and used in the manuscript, the instructions remain the same.

If following along with the example/tutorial files in the tutorial folder:

Run the following command in the terminal

python test_network.gpickle 1

You will see the following output files:

  • test_network_1_scores1.pickle
  • test_network_1_rules.txt
  • test_network_1_local1.pickle

The option '1' stands in for the SLURM array ID. The SLURM script in the standard workflow runs the rule inference pipeline 5 times per network.

You will see an output of nodes along with their predictors (ie, their upstream nodes with high correlation to them ), and a table showing the results of the genetic algorithm (generation, number of evaluations, average value of optimization function, standard deviation, minimum and maximum).

Step 3: Perform topology-informed pathway analysis for user-specified pairs of experimental conditions

Wait for all the rule inference jobs to finish. Then run the following command:


Run the Python script with the following parameters.

  • path to training dataset file (concatenated)
  • conditions file
  • contrast file


python3 your_omics_dataset.csv your_conditions_file.csv your_contrasts_file.csv -sep ,

For file formats, please refer to Step 0.

If following along with the example/tutorial files listed above:



which contains the command:

python3 concatenated_datasets.csv concatenated_conditions.csv contrasts.csv -sep ,

If following along with the example/tutorial files in the tutorial folder:

Run the following command in the terminal

python --data test_input_data.txt --conditions test_conditions.txt --contrast test_contrast.txt -t

Analysis of the mBONITA output

Inferred Boolean rules

Jupyter notebook: Figure4.ipynb


This contains code to open the local1.pickle files generated during the rule inference process (these files contain the inferred network model in a slightly complex data structure) and process the information into a single dataframe.

One row in the dataframe contains information for one node. The dataframe has the following columns:

  • Network name - readable, descriptive KEGG network name
  • Method name - subfolder of the main directory in which the pickle was found
  • andNodeList - indices of parent nodes
  • andNodeInvertList - a bitstring encoding the activation and inhibition edges. True implies that the edge from the corresponding parent node in the andNodeList is an inhibitory edge
  • ruleLengths - length (ie, size) of the ERS for the node
  • equivs - bitstring representation of the equivalent rule set
  • plainRules - plain text representation of the rules in the ERS
  • randomERSIndividual - random individual from the ERS
  • minLocalSearchError - lowest error for the rules tried for each node

Pathway analysis

Note: The tutorial/toy example will NOT return a Pvalues file, as rule inference was only run for one network. The other files should be generated.

A set of CSV files are returned.

  • StandardDeviation.csv

Contains the standard deviation for the expression of each gene in each omics dataset provided.

, Phosphoproteomics Proteomics Transcriptomics
RP11-34P13.18 0.0 0.0 0.10767801162496944
AP006222.1 0.0 0.0 0.08797905555042072
RP4-669L17.4 0.0 0.0 0.05736019119163047
  • RelativeAbundance.csv

Contains the fold changes for each gene in each omics dataset and contrast provided.

Phosphoproteomics Proteomics Transcriptomics Contrast
RP11-34P13.18 0.0 0.0 0.008468574055408795
AP006222.1 0.0 0.0 0.06476006663777902
RP4-669L17.4 0.0 0.0 0.02453693719545281
  • nodeModulation.csv

Contains mBONITA's node modulation score for each gene in each omics dataset and contrast provided.

, index nodeModulation Contrast Pathway
1 ACTL6A 0.6873673776689714 "1% O2, CyA+_vs_1% O2, CyA-" hsa05225
2 APC 66.5190913005752 "1% O2, CyA+_vs_1% O2, CyA-" hsa05225
3 ARAF 195.3686334082354 "1% O2, CyA+_vs_1% O2, CyA-" hsa05225
  • ImportanceScores.csv

Contains mBONITA's node modulation score for each gene in each pathway.

, index ImportanceScore Pathway
0 GNAS 162.1799398 hsa04921
1 OXTR 513.1222962 hsa04921
2 RAF1 81.1653654 hsa04921

Importance scores are also stored as node attributes in the xyz_rules.graphml files generated after the node importance score calculation step (Step 2 above). These graphml files can be visualized in software such as Gephi or Cytoscape.

Alternatively, has some suggestions for reading in these graphml files and aggregating these node importance scores using pandas and networkx and generating a single dataframe.

  • EvidenceScore.csv

Contains mBONITA's evidence score for each gene.

, EvidenceScore
RP11-34P13.18 1
AP006222.1 1
RP4-669L17.4 1
  • PValues.csv

Contains pvalues for each contrast.

(truncated example)

pathway code nodes "1% O2, CyA+-1% O2, CyA-" "1% O2, CyA--19% O2, CyA-" "19% O2, CyA--1% O2, CyA+"
0 Hepatocellular carcinoma 05225 "['EGFR', 'GRB2', 'MTOR', ...]" 2.091042097078314e-06 7.270927424078314e-06
1 Vasopressin-regulated water reabsorption 04962 "['GNAS', 'AQP3', 'STX4', ...]" 0.011525657525206859 0.011502011268563666
2 Viral life cycle - HIV-1 03250 "['PSIP1', 'TSG101', 'PDCD6IP', ...]" 0.001158399836113599 0.0036377529570514695
3 GnRH signaling pathway 04912 "['CDC42', 'ATF4', 'MAPK7',...]" 0.0004169666452885795 0.0005590675770277639


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