mJS is designed for microcontrollers with limited resources. Main design goals are: small footprint and simple C/C++ interoperability. mJS implements a strict subset of ES6 (JavaScript version 6):
- Any valid mJS code is a valid ES6 code.
- Any valid ES6 code is not necessarily a valid mJS code.
On 32-bit ARM mJS engine takes about 50k of flash memory, and less than 1k of RAM (see intro article). mJS is part of MongooseOS, where it enables scripting for IoT devices.
- No standard library. No String, Number, RegExp, Date, Function, etc.
are available.- No closures, only lexical scoping (i.e. nested functions are allowed).
- No exceptions.
- No
. In order to create an object with a custom prototype, useObject.create()
, which is available. - Strict mode only.
- No
, onlylet
. - No
, destructors, generators, proxies, promises. - No getters, setters,
, prototypes, classes, template strings. - No
, only===
. - mJS strings are byte strings, not Unicode strings:
'ы'.length === 2
,'ы'[0] === '\xd1'
,'ы'[1] === '\x8b'
. mJS string can represent any binary data chunk.
- print(arg1, arg2, ...);
- Print arguments to stdout, separated by space.
- load('file.js', obj);
- Execute file file.js. obj paramenter is optional. obj is a global namespace object. If not specified, a current global namespace is passed to the script, which allows file.js to modify the current namespace.
- die(message);
- Exit interpreter with the given error message
- let value = JSON.parse(str);
- Parse JSON string and return parsed value.
- let str = JSON.stringify(value);
- Get string representation of the mJS value.
- let proto = {foo: 1}; let o = Object.create(proto);
- Create an object with the provided prototype.
- 'some_string'.slice(start, end);
- Return a substring between two indices. Example: 'abcdef'.slice(1,3) === 'bc';
- 'abc'.at(0);
- Return numeric byte value at given string index. Example: 'abc'.at(0) === 0x61;
- 'abc'.indexOf(substr[, fromIndex]);
- Return index of first occurence of substr within the string or `-1` if not found. 'abc'.indexOf('bc') === 1;
- chr(n);
- Return 1-byte string whose ASCII code is the integer `n`. If `n` is not numeric or outside of `0-255` range, `null` is returned. Example: chr(0x61) === 'a';
- let a = [1,2,3,4,5]; a.splice(start, deleteCount, ...);
- Change the contents of an array by removing existing elements and/or adding new elements. Example: let a = [1,2,3,4,5]; a.splice(1, 2, 100, 101, 102); a === [1,100,101,102,4,5];
- let s = mkstr(ptrVar, length);
- Create a string backed by a C memory chunk. A string s starts at memory location ptrVar, and is length bytes long.
- let s = mkstr(ptrVar, offset, length, copy = false);
- Like `mkstr(ptrVar, length)`, but string s starts at memory location ptrVar + offset, and the caller can specify whether the string needs to be copied to the internal mjs buffer. By default it's not copied.
- let f = ffi('int foo(int)');
- Import C function into mJS. See next section.
- gc(full);
- Perform garbage collection. If `full` is `true`, reclaim RAM to OS.
mJS requires no glue code. The mJS's Foreign Function Interface (FFI) allows the user to call an existing C function with an arbitrary signature. Currently mJS provides a simple implementation of the FFI trampoline that supports up to 6 32-bit arguments, or up to 2 64-bit arguments:
let floor = ffi('double floor(double)');
Function arguments should be simple: only int
, double
, char *
, void *
are supported. Use char *
for NUL-terminated C strings, void *
for any
other pointers. In order to import more complex functions
(e.g. the ones that use structures as arguments), write wrappers.
Callbacks are implemented similarly. Consider that you have a C function
that takes a callback and user data void *
pointer, which should be marked
as userdata
in the signature:
void timer(int seconds, void (*callback)(int, void *), void *user_data);
This is how to make an mJS callback - note the usage of userdata
let Timer = {
set: ffi('void timer(int, void (*)(int, userdata), userdata)')
Timer.set(200, function(t) {
print('Time now: ', t);
}, null);
In order to make FFI work, mJS must be able to get the address of a C
function by its name. On POSIX systems, dlsym()
API can do that. On
Windows, GetProcAddress()
. On embedded systems, a system resolver should
be either manually written, or be implemented with some aid from a firmware
linker script. mJS resolver uses dlsym
-compatible signature.
mJS provides a helper to facilitate coversion of C structs to JS objects.
The functions is called s2o
and takes two parameters: foreign pointer to
the struct and foreign pointer to the struct's descriptor which specifies
names and offsets of the struct's members. Here's an simple example:
C/C++ side code:
#include "mjs.h"
struct my_struct {
int a;
const char *b;
double c;
struct mg_str d;
struct mg_str *e;
float f;
bool g;
static const struct mjs_c_struct_member my_struct_descr[] = {
{"a", offsetof(struct my_struct, a), MJS_FFI_CTYPE_INT},
{"b", offsetof(struct my_struct, b), MJS_FFI_CTYPE_CHAR_PTR},
{"c", offsetof(struct my_struct, c), MJS_FFI_CTYPE_DOUBLE},
{"d", offsetof(struct my_struct, d), MJS_FFI_CTYPE_STRUCT_MG_STR},
{"e", offsetof(struct my_struct, e), MJS_FFI_CTYPE_STRUCT_MG_STR_PTR},
{"f", offsetof(struct my_struct, f), MJS_FFI_CTYPE_FLOAT},
{"g", offsetof(struct my_struct, g), MJS_FFI_CTYPE_BOOL},
const struct mjs_c_struct_member *get_my_struct_descr(void) {
return my_struct_descr;
JS side code:
// Assuming `s` is a foreign pointer to an instance of `my_struct`, obtained elsewhere.
let sd = ffi('void *get_my_struct_descr(void)')();
let o = s2o(s, sd);
print(o.a, o.b);
We export C function foo
to the JS environment and call it from the JS.
#include "strings.h"
#include "mjs.h"
void foo(int x) {
printf("Hello %d!\n", x);
void *my_dlsym(void *handle, const char *name) {
if (strcmp(name, "foo") == 0) return foo;
return NULL;
int main(void) {
struct mjs *mjs = mjs_create();
mjs_set_ffi_resolver(mjs, my_dlsym);
mjs_exec(mjs, "let f = ffi('void foo(int)'); f(1234)", NULL);
return 0;
Compile & run:
$ cc main.c mjs.c -o /tmp/x && /tmp/x
Hello 1234!
$ make
Use as a simple calculator:
$ ./build/mjs -e '1 + 2 * 3'
FFI standard C functions:
$ ./build/mjs -e 'ffi("double sin(double)")(1.23)'
View generated bytecode:
$ ./build/mjs -l 3 -e '2 + 2'
DATA_STACK (0 elems):
CALL_STACK (0 elems):
SCOPES (1 elems): [<object>]
LOOP_OFFSETS (0 elems):
0 BCODE_HDR [<stdin>] size:28
25 EXPR +
28 NOP
The stand-alone binary uses dlsym()
symbol resolver, that's why
ffi("double sin(double)")(1.23)
mJS is released under commercial and GNU GPL v.2 open source licenses.
Commercial Projects: once your project becomes commercialised, GPLv2 licensing dictates that you need to either open your source fully or purchase a commercial license. Cesanta offer full, royalty-free commercial licenses without any GPL restrictions. If your needs require a custom license, we’d be happy to work on a solution with you. Contact us for pricing
Prototyping: While your project is still in prototyping stage and not for sale, you can use MJS’s open source code without license restrictions.