The project is a simple e-commerce website that is built using Laravel.
- You have PHP >= 7.2 installed on your system.
- You have composer installed on your system.
- You have SQL database setup on your system.
To install PHP, Apache and MariaDB on your system you can install XAMMP or WAMP using the following links
- WAMP :
Alternately you can install and setup PHP and SQL individually as well.
To install Composer use the following link:
Next, to install all the dependencies for the project run the following command in the terminal opened in the project directory
composer install
After the dependencies are installed without any errors, make sure your SQL server is running and then run the migrate command to create the database tables and fill in some dummy values
php artisan migrate
php db:seed
The config file contains the default database username, password and database used by many SQL databases. If you have a different username, password and database name you will have to make the changes in the .env file in the following section
DB_DATABASE=<database name>
To run the project on your local environment you need to open the terminal in your project directory and run the following command
php artisan serve
This will serve your application on http://localhost:8000/home
Home Page:
Login Page:
Cart Page:
Murtaza Rajagara -