mahjong in python. two modes provided, visualized client and api client.
- api client
- visualized client
- all winning conditions
- helpers/suggestions
- combinations and their probability
- 24圈
- 发牌顺序
- 起手顺序
- calculate fan
- class for each tile instead of writing out chinese character
- performance bench
- per round time
- search dp/winning hand
- numpy or equivalent matrix operation
- save state
- replay with state
- elagant prints
- discard tiles segregated by players in sequence
- play action
- move discard out? (less for loops)
focus on 100% coverage of real hands- non
focus onResultFan
focus on all 82 combinations
>> python -m pytest --cov=. --cov-report html tests/
predict best next board to infer action. how to run multiple RL agents and have gradient descent? 4 (peng + max 3 shang combination) * 13 (discards) action space size using softmax to force probablity to sum up to one, and ensure irrelevant actions are 0