An ultra-minimal, open source interface and protocol for bestowing eternal glory to authors of dank memes.
Mainnet Contract Address: 0xCe3c6AA40776b79E0cd127aCebB9c431a3F1C09a
Mainnet MINTER_ROLE Address: 0xE936e8FAf4A5655469182A49a505055B71C17604
Rinkeby Address: 0x610bac3AAd8Fb9Db35c6e8F663239938a7CFF33c
Rinkeby MINTER_ROLE account: 0xC6Fa0615877c6A5d14019C1BadaDa5aABD78b314
yarn start
yarn build
# or working in jupyter environment with reverse proxy
yarn build-jupyter
# then
yarn serve -n -s build
npx hardhat node
yarn deploy-contracts
Then copy deploy-contracts address into web3-data, mint/index, and memelords/index
yarn start
npx hardhat test