This is just a toy project
In ubuntu: sudo apt install nasm
./my-gcc [filename]
Required output code will be a.out.
Assembly code will be in asm.asm.
Please be careful while using it. Do not use invalid C code. Might go into infinite-loop. Idk
There is a test code in example.c
Features supported:
Comments not supported
#include not supported
"int"'s are supported. But only one at a time.
int a; //right
int b;
int a,b; //wrong
Operator supported:
Only two operand at a time.
a = 1 + 2; //right
a = a - 1;
a = 1 + 2 + 3; //wrong
if supported:
Again operators support must be considered. i.e
if(a != b)
if(a == b) //supported provided a and b are supported datatypes
if((a+1)==b) //unsupported
else not supported.
while supprted:
Same as "if"
printf and scanf supported:
printf: upto 6 parameters
scanf: upto 4 parameters