#Slapbits ######A URL Holding and Annotation platform Slapbits provides a RESTful API for saving and annotating URLs using the Flask framework.
####How to use:
######Running the test server
For testing purposes, simply run python slapbits.py
to get your server running at
or configure:
python slapbits.py {-d -h host_ip_address -p port_number}
-d -> debug mode
-h host_ip_address -> server IP address (defaults to for localhost only connections)
-p port_number -> server port (defaults to 5000)
######Populating users
import slapbits
new_user = slapbits.User(email="your_email_address")
#Your access key
my_new_api_key = new_user.key
######Basic access methods
You can access via browser or with Python and Curl as outlined below. Further examples will utilize the Python Requests module.
from requests import post, get
data = get('')
curl '' -d "key=your_key_here"
######Viewing posts
anonymous Without a key you can view any posts that are set as private=False
data = get('')
json_data = data.json()
######Viewing your posts
as a user You can supply your key via POST to get access to any posts where your key matches:
data = post('', data={'key': 'your_key_here'})
json_data = data.json()
######Viewing a single post
You can view a single post by referencing its HASH or ID. If you do not have a matching user key, you will only be able to retrieve private=False
# A public post by id
data = post('', data={'id': 5})
json_data = data.json()
# A public post by hash
data = post('', data={'hash': 'post_hash_here'})
json_data = data.json()
# A private post by id that belongs to your key
data = post('', data={'key': 'your_key_here', 'id': 'post_hash_here'})
json_data = data.json()
# A private post by hash that belongs to your key
data = post('', data={'key': 'your_key_here', 'hash': 'post_hash_here'})
json_data = data.json()
######Adding posts
To add a post you must have a valid user key.
post_dict = {
'url' = 'http://google.com',
'note' = 'A place for searching.',
'key' = 'your_user_key',
'private' = True}
# Note that private defaults to False so if you do not set to True it is visible to all
result = post('', data=post_dict})
# A successful return will look like this
# {post_id: {post_note, post_privacy_status, post_url}}
{u'11': {u'note': u'A place to search.', u'private': True, u'url': u'http://google.com/'}}
######Updating posts
You may update the note or privacy status of any of your posts using either hash or id like:
# with HASH
post_dict = {
'key' = 'your_user_key',
'hash' = 'post_hash_to_update',
'note' = 'My updated note on this link.',
'private' = True}
result = post('', data=post_dict})
# or with ID
post_dict = {
'key' = 'your_user_key',
'id' = 'post_id_to_update',
'note' = 'My updated note on this link.',
'private' = True}
result = post('', data=post_dict})