cl-seniverse-api is a Common Lisp SDK of seniverse API to get weather information(include air information).
Note: Some of the API is NOT free. Note: Project has been rename from cl-thinkpage-api to cl-seniverse-api since Website use as domain in 2017-03-14
Copyright(c) 2017 Muyinliu Xing Released under the ISC License.
Relax, usually Quicklisp will download all these packages for you :)
- flexi-streams
- ironclad
- cl-base64
- drakma
In shell:
git clone
cp -r cl-seniverse-api ~/quicklisp/local-projects/cl-seniverse-api
Then in Common Lisp:
(ql:quickload 'cl-seniverse-api)
Note: Please use your own *api-key*
and *user-id*
comes from seniverse, for example:
(setf *api-key* "your-api-key")
(setf *user-id* "your-user-id")
(seniverse:weather-now "beijing")
Result example:
Note: More result example should check directory /result-examples/
and seniverse API Document
Note: More function please read file cl-seniverse-api.lisp
Welcome to reply.