- 🏢 I'm currently working at Verbit as SRE Team Lead
- 🌱 Projects:
- IaaC CI/CD platform for AWS multi-account multi-region based on GitHub/Atlantis/Terragrunt
- ephemeral self-provisioned development environments
- workflows for handling vulnerabilities in the source code
- write tooling for speech-ML training on top of ECS/EFS
- ⚙️ My tools of choice are: Python (programming languages), Terraform (IaaC), Ansible (CfgMgmt), ECS/K8S (container orchestration), AWS (public cloud)
- 👯 Interested in contibuting in Open Source projects:
- 📫 How to reach me: Email
some search keywords at the bottom Mykhailo Vasylenko Michael Vasilenko Porto Portugal Ucrania Ucrânia