Small shell utilities coded in Rust.
Clone, build and install:
git clone /tmp/rusht || cd /tmp/rusht ; git pull
cargo install --bins --all-features --path /tmp/rusht
Or in minified mode:
RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" cargo +nightly install -Z build-std=std,panic_abort --target "$(rustc -vV | grep host | sed -E 's/.*: (.*)/\1/')" --path .
- push commands onto a stack, directly or from output, and run them one by one or all at once.unique
- filters or shows duplicate lines, including duplicate by prefix (i.e./a
are duplicate).dir_with
- search for directories that contain specific files or subdirs, e.g. all the Rust projects or git repos.cached
- cache the output of a command for a given amount of time.