This is the repository for Data Ductus round 2 interview question solution, implemented in Java. The goal is to write a function which, given a 2D array of integers representing a Sudoku puzzle, validates the given solution.
Sudoku is a 9x9 grid puzzle. You are usually given an incomplete puzzle with only a few numbers, and based on logic, you are supposed to fill in the rest of the puzzle. See the Wikipedia article for more information.
The rules are as follows:
- All rows must contain numbers 1-9 uniquely
- All columns must contain numbers 1-9 uniquely
- All 3x3 squares at 0,0 / 0,3 / 0,6 / 3,0 / 3,3 / 3,6 / 6,0 / 6,3 / 6,6 must contain numbers 1-9 uniquely
You must have minimum Java 7 installed.
- Clone the repository and
into it.
$ git clone && cd sudoku-validator
- Build the project.
$ make
- Run the project.
$ java SudokuValidator
One implementation could be to iterate through all rows, then all columns, then each of the squares to check for 1-9 uniqueness. If we assume for N to be the number of rows and columns, then this runtime would be O(n^2) complexity. This naive implementation can be seen on commit e393241.