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Sometimes there is a need to password-protect your web-server, either in whole or just some parts of it. That's were this little package comes in. It offers to simply integrate the popular BasicAuth mechanism into your own web-server.

Note: To be on the safe side your web-server should use HTTPS instead of plain old HTTP to avoid the chance of someone eavesdropping on the username/password transmission.


You can use Go to install this package for you:

go get -u

Then in your application you add

import ""

and use the provided functions (discussed below) as you see fit.



PassList provides an easy way to handle HTTP Basic Authentication by simply calling the package's Wrap() function and implementing the TAuthDecider interface which only requires the single function or method

NeedAuthentication(aRequest *http.Request) bool

That function may decide on whatever means necessary whether to grant access (returning true) or deny it (returning false).

For your ease there are two TAuthDecider implementations provided: TAuthSkipper (which generally returns false) and TAuthNeeder (which generally returns true). Just instantiate one of those - or, of course, your own implementation - and pass it to the Wrap() function.

HTTP handler

To use this module as socalled middleware there's a function which you can call to wrap your existing HTTP handler thus allowing automatic authentication:

func Wrap(aNext http.Handler,
    aRealm, aPasswdFile string,
    aAuthDecider IAuthDecider) http.Handler

The arguments mean:

  • aNext: The handler to be called after successful authentication; you will use the return value of Wrap() instead after you called this function.

  • aRealm: The name of the host/domain to protect (this can be any string you like); it will be shown by most browsers when the username/password is requested.

  • aPasswdFile: The name of the password file that holds all the username/password pairs to use when authentication is actually required.

  • aAuthDecider: A deciding function we talked about above.

So, in short: implement the IAuthDecider interface and call passlist.Wrap(…), and you're done.

The user/password list

The package provides a TPassList class with methods to work with a username/password list. It's fairly well documented, so it shouldn't be too hard to use it on your own if you don't like the automatic handling provided by Wrap(). You can create a new instance by either calling passlist.LoadPasswords(aFilename string) (which, as its name says, tries to load the given password file at once), or you call passlist.NewList(aFilename string) (which leaves it to you when to actually read the password file by calling the TPassList object's Load() method).

This library provides a couple of functions you can use in your own program to maintain your own password list without having to use the TPassList class directly.

  • AddUser(aUser, aFilename string) reads a password for aUser from the commandline and adds it to aFilename.
  • CheckUser(aUser, aFilename string) reads a password for aUser from the commandline and compares it with the one stored in aFilename.
  • DeleteUser(aUser, aFilename string) removes the entry for aUser from the password list stored in aFilename.
  • ListUsers(aFilename string) reads aFilename and lists all users stored in that file.
  • UpdateUser(aUser, aFilename string) reads a password for aUser from the commandline and updates the entry in the password list in aFilename.

Note: All these functions do not return to the caller but terminate the respective program with error code 0 (zero) if successful, or 1 (one) otherwise.

Access denial

There's an additional convenience function called passlist.Deny() which sends an "Unauthorised" notice to the remote host in case the remote user couldn't be authenticated; this function is called internally whenever your TAuthDecider required authentication and wasn't given valid credentials from the remote user.

To further improve the safety of the passwords they are peppered before hashing and storing them. The default pepper value can be read by calling

pepper := passlist.Pepper()

And the pepper value can be changed by calling

myPepper := "This is my common 'pepper' value for the user passwords"

Note: Changing the pepper value after storing user/password pairs will invalidate all existing userlist entries!

Please refer to the source code documentation for further details ot the TPassList class.

In the package's ./app folder you'll find the passlist.go program which implements the maintenance of password files with the following options:

-add string
	<username> name of the user to add to the file (prompting for the password)
-chk string
	<username> name of the user whose pass to check (prompting for the password)
-del string
	<username> name of the user to remove from the file
-file string
	<filename> name of the passwordfile to use (default "pwaccess.db")
-lst list all current usernames from the list
-q    whether to be quiet or not (suppress screen output)
-upd string
	<username> name of the user to update in the file (prompting for the password)


The following external libraries are used building PassList:

  • bcrypt supplementary Go cryptography library.


Copyright © 2019, 2024  M.Watermann, 10247 Berlin, Germany
                All rights reserved
            EMail : <>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see the GNU General Public License for details.