A starting point with some common extensions for running various frameworks and applications.
- php-bcmath
- php-gd
- php-intl
- php-mcrypt
- php-opcache
- php-pdo (mysql)
- php-soap
- php-xdebug
- php-xsl
- php-zip
Used in development for building and interacting with the application with a familiar set of tools, can also be used as part of a multi-stage build docker image.
- build-tools (autoconf, automake, g++, gcc, make, nasm)
- composer (1.10.27 or 2.7.2)
- curl
- gettext-base
- git
- iproute
- mysql (client)
- nano
- nvm
- node (lts/dubnium aka v10, or none for PHP 8.3+)
- npm
- patch
- rsync
- wget
- yarn (if node is installed)
- zip