This index.php
file integrates the myCaptcha service into a PHP application, providing a simple CAPTCHA solution to protect forms from automated submissions. The myCaptcha service is a free, easy-to-use tool that generates CAPTCHA challenges to differentiate between human users and bots.
- CAPTCHA Generation: Automatically generates CAPTCHA challenges.
- CAPTCHA Validation: Validates user responses to ensure they are correct before proceeding.
To use this CAPTCHA service in your project, you need to obtain an API key from myCaptcha. Replace YOUR_API_KEY
in the index.php
file with your actual API key.
The form will display a CAPTCHA challenge to the user. The user must solve the CAPTCHA and submit the form. The server-side script then validates the CAPTCHA response using the myCaptcha API. If the validation is successful, it proceeds with the form submission process; otherwise, it redirects the user to retry.
This integration is licensed under the MIT License, as is the myCaptcha service itself.