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myii committed Dec 5, 2020
1 parent e466211 commit c9e4a8c
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Showing 2 changed files with 206 additions and 187 deletions.
206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions .gitlab-ci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
# Define all YAML node anchors
# `stage`
stage_lint: &stage_lint 'lint'
stage_release: &stage_release 'release'
stage_test: &stage_test 'test'
# `image`
image_docker: &image_docker 'docker:latest'
image_node: &image_node 'node:12-buster-slim'
image_yamllint: &image_yamllint
name: 'cytopia/yamllint:latest'
entrypoint: ['/bin/ash', '-c']
# `before_script`
before_script_image_node: &before_script_image_node
- 'apt-get update
&& apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends git-core ca-certificates'
# `only` (also used for `except` where applicable)
only_branch_master: &only_branch_master ['master']

# Define stages and global variables
# - *stage_lint
- *stage_test
- *stage_release
DOCKER_DRIVER: 'overlay2'

# `lint` stage: `yamllint` & `commitlint`
# yamllint:
# stage: *stage_lint
# image: *image_yamllint
# script:
# - 'yamllint -s .'

# commitlint:
# stage: *stage_lint
# image: *image_node
# before_script: *before_script_image_node
# script:
# # Add `upstream` remote to get access to `upstream/master`
# - 'git remote add upstream
# - 'git fetch --all'
# # Install and run `commitlint`
# - 'npm install -D @commitlint/config-conventional
# @commitlint/cli'
# - 'npx commitlint --from "$(git merge-base upstream/master HEAD)"
# --to "${CI_COMMIT_SHA}"
# --verbose'

# Define `test` template
stage: *stage_test
image: *image_docker
- 'docker:dind'
- 'apk update
&& apk add git ruby-full ruby-dev make cmake gcc g++ libc-dev'
- 'gem install bundler'
- 'bundle install'
- 'bin/kitchen verify "${INSTANCE}"'

# `test` stage: `...`
# DN: distro name (amazonlinux, archlinux, centos, debian, fedora,
# gentoo, opensuse, oraclelinux, ubuntu)
# DV: distro version
# PI: packages installer, used as dockerfile extension (apt, dnf, emg, pac, yum, zyp)
# SIM: salt install method (git, stable)
# SV: salt version (tiamat, master, 3002.2, 3001.3, 3000.5)
# PV: python version (3, 2)
# EP: extra packages required for the specific test

# yamllint disable rule:commas rule:line-length
amaz-02.0-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {INSTANCE: 'default-amazonlinux-2-tiamat-py3'}}
# amaz-02.0-master-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'amazonlinux' , DV: '2' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'git' , SV: 'master' , PV: '3' , EP: 'yum-utils python3-pip procps-ng'}}
# amaz-02.0-3002.2-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'amazonlinux' , DV: '2' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3002.2' , PV: '3' , EP: 'yum-utils python3-pip procps-ng'}}
# amaz-02.0-3001.3-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'amazonlinux' , DV: '2' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3001.3' , PV: '3' , EP: 'yum-utils python3-pip procps-ng'}}
# amaz-02.0-3000.5-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'amazonlinux' , DV: '2' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '3' , EP: 'yum-utils python3-pip procps-ng'}}
# amaz-01.0-3000.5-py2: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'amazonlinux' , DV: '1' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '2' , EP: 'yum-utils python-pip procps'}}
# # The Salt bootstrap installer does not provide packages nor installs with py3 for Arch
# # so we're testing only the git'ted py2 versions
# # NOTE: Removed broken `py2` image for `SV: 'master'` since that's been deprecated in `Sodium` and
# # no working `py3` version available
# arch-late-3002.2-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'archlinux/base' , DV: 'latest' , PI: 'pac' , SIM: 'git' , SV: '3002.2' , PV: '3' , EP: 'openssl openssh awk procps python-pip'}}
# arch-late-3001.3-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'archlinux/base' , DV: 'latest' , PI: 'pac' , SIM: 'git' , SV: '3001.3' , PV: '3' , EP: 'openssl openssh awk procps python-pip'}}
# arch-late-3000.5-py2: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'archlinux/base' , DV: 'latest' , PI: 'pac' , SIM: 'git' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '2' , EP: 'openssl openssh awk procps python2-pip'}}
# cent-08.0-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'centos' , DV: '8' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: 'tiamat' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig glibc-langpack-en'}}
# cent-08.0-master-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'centos' , DV: '8' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'git' , SV: 'master' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig glibc-langpack-en'}}
# cent-08.0-3002.2-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'centos' , DV: '8' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3002.2' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig glibc-langpack-en'}}
# cent-08.0-3001.3-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'centos' , DV: '8' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3001.3' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig glibc-langpack-en'}}
# cent-08.0-3000.5-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'centos' , DV: '8' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig glibc-langpack-en'}}
# cent-07.0-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'centos' , DV: '7' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: 'tiamat' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig gcc-g++ zeromq zeromq-devel'}}
# cent-07.0-master-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'centos' , DV: '7' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'git' , SV: 'master' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig gcc-g++ zeromq zeromq-devel'}}
# cent-07.0-3002.2-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'centos' , DV: '7' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3002.2' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig gcc-g++ zeromq zeromq-devel'}}
# cent-07.0-3001.3-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'centos' , DV: '7' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3001.3' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig gcc-g++ zeromq zeromq-devel'}}
# cent-07.0-3000.5-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'centos' , DV: '7' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig gcc-g++ zeromq zeromq-devel'}}
# cent-06.0-3000.5-py2: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'centos' , DV: '6' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '2' , EP: 'python27-pip'}}
# debi-10.0-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'debian' , DV: '10' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: 'tiamat' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# debi-10.0-master-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'debian' , DV: '10' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'git' , SV: 'master' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-apt python3-pip'}}
# debi-10.0-3002.2-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'debian' , DV: '10' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3002.2' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# debi-10.0-3001.3-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'debian' , DV: '10' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3001.3' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# debi-10.0-3000.5-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'debian' , DV: '10' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# debi-09.0-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'debian' , DV: '9' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: 'tiamat' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# debi-09.0-master-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'debian' , DV: '9' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'git' , SV: 'master' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# debi-09.0-3002.2-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'debian' , DV: '9' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3002.2' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# debi-09.0-3001.3-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'debian' , DV: '9' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3001.3' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# debi-09.0-3000.5-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'debian' , DV: '9' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# # Fedora has no python3 packages due to a tornado issue,
# # but they ship with Python3 since 29, so we install it using git
# # 1723207
# fedo-33.0-master-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'fedora' , DV: '33' , PI: 'dnf' , SIM: 'git' , SV: 'master' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# fedo-33.0-3002.2-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'fedora' , DV: '33' , PI: 'dnf' , SIM: 'git' , SV: '3002.2' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# fedo-33.0-3001.3-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'fedora' , DV: '33' , PI: 'dnf' , SIM: 'git' , SV: '3001.3' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# fedo-32.0-master-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'fedora' , DV: '32' , PI: 'dnf' , SIM: 'git' , SV: 'master' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# fedo-32.0-3002.2-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'fedora' , DV: '32' , PI: 'dnf' , SIM: 'git' , SV: '3002.2' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# fedo-32.0-3001.3-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'fedora' , DV: '32' , PI: 'dnf' , SIM: 'git' , SV: '3001.3' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# fedo-31.0-master-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'fedora' , DV: '31' , PI: 'dnf' , SIM: 'git' , SV: 'master' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# fedo-31.0-3002.2-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'fedora' , DV: '31' , PI: 'dnf' , SIM: 'git' , SV: '3002.2' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# fedo-31.0-3001.3-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'fedora' , DV: '31' , PI: 'dnf' , SIM: 'git' , SV: '3001.3' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# fedo-31.0-3000.5-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'fedora' , DV: '31' , PI: 'dnf' , SIM: 'git' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# gent-late-master-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'gentoo/stage3' , DV: 'latest' , PI: 'emg' , SIM: 'git' , SV: 'master' , PV: '3' , EP: 'dev-python/pip'}}
# gent-late-3002.2-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'gentoo/stage3' , DV: 'latest' , PI: 'emg' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3002.2' , PV: '3' , EP: 'dev-python/pip'}}
# gent-late-3001.3-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'gentoo/stage3' , DV: 'latest' , PI: 'emg' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3001.3' , PV: '3' , EP: 'dev-python/pip'}}
# gent-late-3000.5-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'gentoo/stage3' , DV: 'latest' , PI: 'emg' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '3' , EP: 'dev-python/pip'}}
# gent-sysd-master-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'gentoo/stage3' , DV: 'systemd', PI: 'emg' , SIM: 'git' , SV: 'master' , PV: '3' , EP: 'dev-python/pip'}}
# gent-sysd-3002.2-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'gentoo/stage3' , DV: 'systemd', PI: 'emg' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3002.2' , PV: '3' , EP: 'dev-python/pip'}}
# gent-sysd-3001.3-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'gentoo/stage3' , DV: 'systemd', PI: 'emg' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3001.3' , PV: '3' , EP: 'dev-python/pip'}}
# gent-sysd-3000.5-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'gentoo/stage3' , DV: 'systemd', PI: 'emg' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '3' , EP: 'dev-python/pip'}}
# opsu-15.2-master-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'opensuse/leap' , DV: '15.2' , PI: 'zyp' , SIM: 'git' , SV: 'master' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# opsu-15.2-3002.2-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'opensuse/leap' , DV: '15.2' , PI: 'zyp' , SIM: 'git' , SV: '3002.2' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# opsu-15.2-3001.3-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'opensuse/leap' , DV: '15.2' , PI: 'zyp' , SIM: 'git' , SV: '3001.3' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# opsu-15.2-3000.5-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'opensuse/leap' , DV: '15.2' , PI: 'zyp' , SIM: 'git' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# orac-08.0-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'oraclelinux' , DV: '8' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: 'tiamat' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig glibc-langpack-en'}}
# orac-08.0-master-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'oraclelinux' , DV: '8' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'git' , SV: 'master' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig glibc-langpack-en'}}
# orac-08.0-3002.2-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'oraclelinux' , DV: '8' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3002.2' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig glibc-langpack-en'}}
# orac-08.0-3001.3-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'oraclelinux' , DV: '8' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3001.3' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig glibc-langpack-en'}}
# orac-08.0-3000.5-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'oraclelinux' , DV: '8' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig glibc-langpack-en'}}
# orac-07.0-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'oraclelinux' , DV: '7' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: 'tiamat' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig gcc-g++ zeromq zeromq-devel'}}
# # Fails due to dependency issues, probably ignore permanently
# # orac-07.0-master-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'oraclelinux' , DV: '7' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'git' , SV: 'master' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig gcc-g++ zeromq zeromq-devel'}}
# orac-07.0-3002.2-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'oraclelinux' , DV: '7' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3002.2' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig gcc-g++ zeromq zeromq-devel'}}
# orac-07.0-3001.3-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'oraclelinux' , DV: '7' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3001.3' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig gcc-g++ zeromq zeromq-devel'}}
# orac-07.0-3000.5-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'oraclelinux' , DV: '7' , PI: 'yum' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3 python3-pip python3-devel openssl-devel swig gcc-g++ zeromq zeromq-devel'}}
# ubun-20.0-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'ubuntu' , DV: '20.04' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: 'tiamat' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# ubun-20.0-master-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'ubuntu' , DV: '20.04' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'git' , SV: 'master' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-apt python3-pip'}}
# ubun-20.0-3002.2-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'ubuntu' , DV: '20.04' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3002.2' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# ubun-20.0-3001.3-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'ubuntu' , DV: '20.04' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3001.3' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# ubun-18.0-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'ubuntu' , DV: '18.04' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: 'tiamat' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# ubun-18.0-master-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'ubuntu' , DV: '18.04' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'git' , SV: 'master' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-apt python3-pip'}}
# ubun-18.0-3002.2-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'ubuntu' , DV: '18.04' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3002.2' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# ubun-18.0-3001.3-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'ubuntu' , DV: '18.04' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3001.3' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# ubun-18.0-3000.5-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'ubuntu' , DV: '18.04' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# ubun-18.0-3000.5-py2: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'ubuntu' , DV: '18.04' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '2' , EP: 'python-pip'}}
# ubun-16.0-tiamat-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'ubuntu' , DV: '16.04' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: 'tiamat' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# ubun-16.0-master-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'ubuntu' , DV: '16.04' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'git' , SV: 'master' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# ubun-16.0-3002.2-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'ubuntu' , DV: '16.04' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3002.2' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# ubun-16.0-3001.3-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'ubuntu' , DV: '16.04' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3001.3' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# ubun-16.0-3000.5-py3: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'ubuntu' , DV: '16.04' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '3' , EP: 'python3-pip'}}
# ubun-16.0-3000.5-py2: {extends: '.test_image', variables: {DN: 'ubuntu' , DV: '16.04' , PI: 'apt' , SIM: 'stable' , SV: '3000.5' , PV: '2' , EP: 'python-pip'}}
# yamllint enable rule:commas rule:line-length

# `release` stage: `semantic-release`
only: *only_branch_master
stage: *stage_release
image: *image_node
before_script: *before_script_image_node
- 'npm install -g semantic-release
- 'semantic-release'

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