Project to test the conversion issue and storing of date in MongoDB
After cloning the project, run the test using
> test
- Using java.util.Date
The code by default uses Date and a custom context ( refer util.salat_context.scala). On running the test we do not get error but the below ouput
JsonStr from a new testItem object :{"_id":"505663b65a2bcc63dd1d9e29","name":"Test Item","date":1347838902143}
Json Str after creating a testItem object from a jsonStr :{"_id":"505663b65a2bcc63dd1d9e2a","name":"Test Item","date":-898433270}
[info] TestSpec
[info] Test Item should
[info] + be converted to Json
[info] + be converted from Json
Note the date value in the second string, though there is not error, that is the issue.
- Using joda.DateTime
Do the following updates to use DateTime instead of Date.
Update TestItem.scala, to use joda.DateTime
date:Option[DateTime] = None
//date:Option[Date] = None
Update TestSpec.scala also to ues joda.DateTime
//var testItem = TestItem(name="Test Item",date=Some(new Date()))
var testItem = TestItem(name="Test Item",date=Some(
Now on running the tests we'll get the below error.
[error] ! be converted to Json
[error] MatchError: -781612865 (of class java.lang.Integer) (Injectors.scala
If we run the same test but with the default global context, Update the TestItem.scala to use the global context
//import util.salat_context._
We'll see the below error for the first test case
[error] ! be converted to Json
[error] MatchError: 2012-09-16T23:37:01Z (of class java.lang.String) (Inject
Note that I have not used JodaDateTimeConvertors from casbah, using that does not change the above results. Also if you check your local database you'll notice that date is stored as int32 or String type based on the chosen DateStrategy
Added Test cases for JSON Enum.
To test run
>test-only -- include testEnum