1000, // iterations
[], // put function args inside the array if required
forLoop, whileLoop // functions to compare
[12, 5],
lcmLow, lcmHigh, lcmgcd, lcmgcddr
- pitStop() : provides a console table with relevant comparison analysis.
- timeTaken() : provides time taken for a function to compute.
- randomNum() : generates random number for inputs.
import { pitStop } from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/n-ce/pitStop/pitStop.js';
- The pitStop function takes three parameters mainly
- The First parameter is the number of times you want to run functions
- The Second parameter is an array which takes your function arguments if required otherwise leave it null
- The Third parameter is a rest parameter which takes your function names
- ex : pitStop(1000,[arg1,arg2,....],f1,f2,f3,....)